G'day rob
Whats your favourite colour -blue?!!
Whats your favourite name - sheila ?!!!!!
Can you find out whats happening in neighbours?!!!!
Is it hot??
we have snow yay!!
miss you lots
maisise & lily xxxxxx
p.s happy new year xxxxxx
Happy New Year Rob!
Thought I was gonna be the first to say it but someone got in before me. I know our 2010 hasn't started yet but yours has so have a brilliant time and hope the celebrations down there are wicked.
Gotta be the first on ya blog to say.......
*big hug and little kiss*
Ian Jackson
Hi Rob, Super blog and if the rest is as good as day one you are in for one hell of a trip. Love from everybody and take care. Uncle Ian and Auntie Jan. XX
Torres made 50 in 72 games with a late winner at the Villa. I know you needed to know that
Damn You Boy! I am so jealous... I want to be back in Honk Kong and Aus! instead I am sitting in cold & wet Minnis Bay..... Just like Bondi Really! (Not).
Make sure you don't get beaten up by the Kangeroos
Love Ya.... Be Safe
Bobster..it sounds like you are having an amazing time already, but it's just come to my attention that I'm going to have to start using the bus to canterbury..u obviously didnt consider this before u left..which quite frankly is a bit inconsiderate!!!...only joking (kind of)! hehe! ...oh and make sure u watch ur ticker..u know uve been having trouble with it!!! be safe, lots of love...mummy and daddy newton send their love!! x x
Mum & Dad
Hong Kong sounds fab - hope you didn`t get too wet ! Glad you got to Oz ok - was Quantas as good or did you get the same tukka?
Cricket looks well set for your day - come on the away team!All well this end,take care & pace yourself for 7 weeks! Loads of luv xxxxxx
Sounds absolutely brilliant Rob bet you will have a blast. Seems like you get a lot of food for your dollars. Hopefully weather in Oz will be better for you. Hope you have a safe trip to Melbourne.
Love you loads and have fun
p.s Mum and Dad send their love and wish you a safe time
Wow!!!!! sounds like your'e having a wicked time and it's only day one. Michaela is fine enjoying herself and sends her luv (I'm keeping her updated with what you are up to) On to Oz then which I'm sure is going to be amazing. Take care
love you lots
Kee xxxx
To Uncle Bob
When you're in Australia make sure you take lots of pictures of some of the places and the animals (Because you know i love animals) but make sure you stay safe at all times.When you get back you'll probably be the same colour as me.
Love you loads
Your beautiful niece Michaela
Have a lovely time little Bro make sure you take loads of pictures.