It must feel horrible leaving cos even I was getting upset reading your blog. But it will be so good to see you again especially with your Aussie tan and I cant wait to hear all about it. Dont worry about being skint when you get back cos I am sure there is enough of us back here that will get you a drink or two whilst listening to your stories.
See you soon lovey
p.s Off work today cos no one can get in as there is so much snow - slightly different to what you have just experienced!
Natalie Burns
What an amazing (and at times hilarious) blog and a fantastic reminder of a memorable journey - I feel like I've been there and done some of it with you !! Cant wait to see you and your piccies - have a safe journey
Loads and Loads of Love
Nat x x
P.S - You've not sent the rain to us just yet but I believe Birchington is snowed under at the moment !!
Say Hi To Sydney for me!
Can't wait to see you and your disfigured jellyfish face!
Love a dude!
Hey Rob
your coming home soon you have been gone for over a month.(cant believe it)Remember to keep safe.It is so cold here it will be your welcome back.Look forward to hearing all about it.
lots,lots,lots,lots,lotsof love
Hey Rob
Hope your still having a wicked time over there. I just thought I would let you know incase you dont hear in oz but Terry has lost his England captaincy cos he had an affair with Wayne Bridge's girlfriend. Says a lot about the chelsea players!
Auntie Jan
Hi Rob glad you are still enjoying yourself sounds fantastic, what a brave soldier you are!! the pics look brill cant wait to hear all about it, dont get too brave will you take special care and enjoy x x
Well impressed how brave you were for doing the jump. Showed pics to my folks and they loved them too. Dad wanted to know though if you were wearing your brown trousers!
G'day mate
looks like your having a brill time
carry on having adventurous fun
we all miss you loads
love from maisie x x x x x x x x
G'day mi ole dijaridoo...
Sounds like your having a blast! I am so jeleous, wish I was there with ya... I bet it beats Bordeaux! Bordeaux!
Keep having fun... enjoy xx MissYou
The outback looks amazing and sounds so great what you got up to there.
Didn't want to mention anything bout liverpool cos didnt want to upset you while you are having such a great time and its not like i can say much what with united playing like they are.
Enjoy your next adventure and cant wait to hear bout it,
Alright mate,
Sounds like the last week has been awesome! Glad your having a good time out there.
Liverpool are falling apart at the seams in your absence, and England are getting dicked on in the cricket!