Rob and shelley on tour
Hi from Vietnam
WE arrived here this morning and it is completely manic here, we cant believe the amount of scooters on the roads and there is no system for traffic at all, its like being in TT races, crazy. Despite this, we cant help but really really like what we've seen of Vietnam so far, its weird, its developing, hectic and strange but still we love it at the moment.
When we flew into Bangkok, I wanted to get straight back out again, people were touting us at the airport and it felt all wrong. The hotel in Bangkok was lovely but we literally had 5 hours there and then back to the airport for the flight to Vietnam.
We flew into Vietnam and straight away it had a nicer feel to it, we were picked up at the airport and to our surprise there is only us 2 on the tour, there was never any other people on it and we have this tour guide and driver all to ourselves. The tour guide is really nice and they are so hospitable, opening car doors for us both and not letting us walk anywhere.
We went to the museum this morning and then the temple and the lake, we had this afternoon to ourselves and then we just watched the water puppet show, it was fantastic, so coulourful and well worth going to see, we also realised that this is where all the Westerneres are though no scousers yet!! There are hardly any westerners as you go through the city but I guess thats good but takes some getting used to from being in Sydney where all you can hear is scousers and cockneys!!
We have just uploaded some photos from today so when you get chance have a look.
loads of love
Shelley and Rob
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