Missing you already. But Victoria is keeping us entertained and has demanded to see all the family snaps.
Mum And Dad H
Hi,happy landings in Nairobi.Looking forward to your documentary! Kylie,stay on your feet.and Rob stay awake,look after each other please.All those mint teas would have been a healthy change for you!!
Lots of Love
Mum and Dad
Kia ora from NZ, just wanted to thank you for the pressie, will come in handy here in winter no doubt, will have to do something bout the logo tho. Im off to OZ next month and possibly a trip to India in October. Enjoy your travels
Hi Rob,
Good luck, have a safe trip and keep in touch
Karen & John
Hey you two,
Have a brilliant time...we are all going to miss you loads...be careful and look after each other and we will have those Ball tickets waiting for you when you come back in June.
(Best of luck Kylie!)
Heidi And Edmond
Going to miss you guys a lot...but I'll see you both in June! Don't fall asleep on the local public transport.
Still all quiet on the site but things wil be happening soon. Kylie is now in Morroco, having avioded the earthquake, and the last I heard she was drinking vodka in the desert!? Dad, your money is very safe - don't worry - I ahve found the perfect investment for it - me!
I can understand how to write a message! But how do you put postcards and photos on, or rather how do we send you a postcard. When are you starting this - in March? How small the world has got. Before you go you had better tell us what you do NOT want to receive!
just to let you know that I have revisited your website - but not much happening!
where's my money?
Richard & Lisa
Would you hurry up and go please, we need somewhere to stay on weekends when in London...