hello evryone..
long time no speak..we are now in Tangalooma ( see pics when loaded) we left the small town of Gawler on sunday afternoon, we were sad to leave all the people we liked at our jobs and our jobs which were good :) .
Well lets back track just abit...we were having to move out of the place we were stayin so we looked at all options, caravan, renting a cheap place or i actually bought a tent just 4 emergencies mind! you can rent 3 bedroom houses with gargages n everything for as little as $200 pw..which is great..all we need on top of that is to pay bills and food..but hours at work (Dolce) were few and far between because its a wierd time over xmas, we had almost 100 in at wkends n not alot in wed/thurs..we had a look around for more hours to go with that job, coz we liked it, it was sociable and apart from jim/ian they are the nicest chefs we have met..well they dont get crabby like jim/ian could :P well rephrase that, they were the only non crabby/swearing/ stressing chefs we have! So we were worrying on how we would pay bills etc..we would prob make enough to scrape by, but we wouldnt be able to save which means spending the rest of our lives in gawler..and im a small town girl after all but this is worse than stayin in workington for little to do,unless u drove coz public transport was not good, trains yes but not buses or anything!!
Plus i had to leave viva :( which i liked, i liked all the people i worked with and the 2 people i worked for, mainly coz they just laughed at how much crap i talked on a daily basis and how random my conversations can be..they were cool!! john the man owner was in a band..and mel..his missus liked rockabilly clothing and had piercings but was gorgeous..see pics coz i dont really do her justice lol..Sue was the little sarnie woman who reminds me of someone and i cant think who..but i know i like that someone ??!?!? Sahra(think thats how her names spelt) is johns sister and shes the cook..she was nice, she talked about books with me which is one of my things at the mo!oooh and viva has lovely chunky chips Mmmm!! and there was deb, who worked only wednesdays with me..she was tiny, but i like tiny people (as my best friend cant b much more than 5 foot.. : ) ) she was a mum of 2 boys but u wudnt think coz shes only small :) but then again so is my mammy sue <3 ...
Took us ages to sort out flights and s***, we both needed to sit our RSA course (Resposible Service of alcohol) as its law in Oz to b Food & Beverage (the jobs we have got at tangalooma if you arent keeping up)...we worked our notice at both our works coz we are good fish like that, plus ross worked abit more coz Kirsty(head chef@Dolce)was offwith gastro..something aussies get alot apparantly!!
So we humped our 20kg bags to the train station to get2 adelaide city, where we were told we cold get a taxi to airport for less than$ thats what we did, and we had the niceeesssst little malaysian taxi man who talked alot but was lovely!! It was only his forst shift, maybe thts why he was nice, maybe they go down hill after years of carting dickheads about, speaking of taxi drivers, the ones in gawler, most of them were right dips*** woman tried to charge us $25 for a $12 ride after we bought her a cheese burger aswell, theiving little gippo so i was like 'Exscuuuuuse me..have we gone twice the disatnce we usually do (its charged per km) and she was 'no'.. so i said 'why is it more than double the usual price' BUSTED!! she tried to worm her way out of it, but i told everyone i knew plus other taxi drivers that there was a robbing taxi anyways there was just hundreds of halfwits that drove taxis, even a young one who tried to convince me he was a business man in his spare time, in the catering industry..he was getting one of them burger vans for outside pubs..honest so he was part taxi driver/part student and part business man!! how does he do it ?!?!
Met another random at airport, we always attract wierdos me and ross...well i always have..hence why im with ross haha!! only jokin pet! <3
Well to cut a long story short, we stayed in a comfort in at brisbane which cost us an arm n leg to ge there even though woman on fone said 5mins drive..but seeing as the taxi man cudnt 'speaka de Englais' we had no hope...
Booked taxi for monrin to tek us to the wharf for 7am ferry..
On ferry we seen a little bottlenose dolphin jumping along side of us..even ross smiled at that one!1 :) :)
It was reeeally over cast but was still boiling, i know wht people mean abot the muggy heat up here..
Island is beautiful..not what we pictured but i have a wild imagination and i always get it wrong lol..we have taken some piccies which im gona uppload after this!!
We done all our induction,health and safety,met a few more RANDOMS!!
Our room obviously was a hotel room at one point, it is ensuite double and private just for me n ross with a balcony..we thought we would be staying in dorms sooo glad we far so good!!
All meals included, so we expected crap coz of the s***ty exscuse of meals we got at derwent water..12 mingy pie and chips sitting on back window sill..if your a veggie then too bad..i got a right earful for just wanting a piece of fruit so i didnt die of pie and chip overload!!! anyhow nowhere wil b like the dirty water..we popped in the staff room for lunch and it was great, there was juice dispensers, water dispensers, cereals, bread, cold counter with salad items sepereate, mixed salad, chicken, sliced ham, sliced beef, and what i think was sliced tureky, bowl of pineapple, bowl of coleslaw..ion hot counter there was chips, pies and sausage rolls, somesort of homemade curry, rice and something else i cant remember..and thats just lunch...dinner has more hot food options and a big bowl of mixed salad...but we treat ourselves to a steak in the restaurant, because we cant sell it if we dont know wht its like..see pics..was yummy!!..
Theres so much to do on island, we get them for free or theres tennis,badminton,squash,2 swimming pools, a massgae hut, beauty therapy place, sandtobonnaning(?) quad biking, para sailing, surfing, Kayaking,feedin dolphins n pelicans,loooooadssss more but cant remeber it all!!
and we are right on beach to see sunsets :
So before we hit the sack early as we hav had a long few days, we went to hand a pice of paperowrk in, we came across the duty manager capturing 2 metre long carpet snakes,we were too affectd by this to go bed so we walked along beach and realised it was dolphin feedin time being we wenty along to the jetty and there was a pod if 11 dolphins one of the pod didnt come today, was a male dolphin the domoinant one so he will be off woth other males apparantly..little baby dolphins still suckling milk :) aww!! we watched that for maybes half hour, then they went and we spotted a crab, being attacked by a small fish..crabb was trying to nipper was a strange thing to see..but hey u dont get the opportunity to have this stuff on ur dooerstep all the time...just about to go home and everyone started sayinf being a pansy s*** my pants..but it was only a reef shark, and was only little, prob could just smell the fish people were feeding the dolphins, but i dont think its a good now im looking out for a great whites and blue ring octopus which is size of golfball and has enough venom 2 kill 23 adults..Ahhh F**k.. :O
Thats all for now..sorry its long but il update more regular with smaler blogs from now on seeing as we will have things to actually write in here :) xx
Love u all xxxx
- comments
Kelly Sorry about the spelling people i wrote it in a hurry!! I got a 'B' in English honest!! Oh and by the way..our or navy shorts and hawaain hula LIE!! :) Ian from Dolce would fit right in :) xx