7/27/2021 Boulder, CO.
Wow, the drive into Boulder was pretty exciting. I40 was closed because of some flooding damage so the google GPS took us on some windy, gravel back roads that twisted and turned, took us high up to the edge of the world and back down again. We basically followed the Colorado River all the way to its headwaters and to Rocky Mountain National Park. The views were breathtaking, long expansive vistas backed by ever changing mountains that grew higher as we drove. At first the mountains were like enormous crumpled up sheets, some with jagged tops others with flat tops or rocky outcrops. As we moved deeper and deeper into Colorado, the mountains grew taller, wider, became covered with grass, flowers, dotted with Aspen and pine trees. It was really quite lovely and, in a few places,not scary completely, but maybe, slightly concerning in sections.
So, that first paragraph was all from Snack Guy who believes I can't get description right, that dogs only write in prose. But he's wrong. Read this: We went into Rocky Mountain National Park, and huge boulders sprang up around us. The ranger said I couldn't get out onto any of the trails, which sucks, and pretty much means I spent the whole time in the car. But I did get some good sleep time in, and we were able to get out in a few places where I could stretch my legs and even got in a COLD creek to cool off. All in all, that was a fun experience. Food Lady was driving for a little because Snack Guy wanted to navigate. Whew, we went waaaaaayyyy up on a tall mountain (12,183 feet); there was no guard rail on the other side, and all we could see was a long drop off to nowhere. Well, Food Lady got all nervous, and she said this was her worst nightmare. Eventually she had to stop and let Snack Guy had to take over. Don't really blamer her, it was pretty scary.
After that, we went into the city of Boulder, and wow what an amazing place. Snack Guy says he wants to live there now. It is pretty. The house this time was nice. It's located way up on a mountain about 15 minutes from the city proper. I loved it right from the start, the fresh smells, the tall weeds, the steep slope of the yard, and best the fact I can off-leash! I pooped easily, and we played all evening long on the porch, from which you can see so far you can make out the outline of Denver. It's pretty incredible. My Humans didn't know it, but I'd eaten a big chunk of plastic a few days ago, and well, if it doesn't come out one end, it comes back out the other, and around 1:30 in the morning I woke them up throwing up all over the house. That kept us busy for a while, and I didn't feel good, so I needed some extra loving on and scratching to go back to sleep. But it was all OK after that.
And this morning we got up and went for a nice long hike on a trail called The Enchanted Mesa. It was covered in an array of colorful wildflowers and had amazing views of Boulder and the surrounding mountains that seemed to reach up and poke a hole in the sky. It was beautiful. We went into town after that and had some lunch, then came home for a rest while it was hot. I had a great nap! Then my humans got to moving around again, and I could tell we were headed out again. I never know where we are going, or how long it's going to take, but I think I've gotten used to it. I just hop in the not-a-Jeep, get my treat, and see what happens next. And what happened next was pretty cool. DOG PARK! I know those words now, so my humans now spell it out; they think I don't know what they are saying. This dog park was cool. One slightly aggressive dog was bothering me a bit when I first got in there, and I ran from him for a while and played submissive, but finally I had to show my teeth and snap at him. He kind of left me alone after that. But the best part was that this park had a lake with a small beach! The water was cold but refreshing and I got to practice my new swimming skills. Then I ran and ran and ran and ran. That's how a day should end! I don't know what's on the plan for tomorrow, but I have a feeling by the way my Humans are acting, I get the sense that we may be on the move again. Who knows what will happen? But I'll keep you posted!
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