How do? Looks like you're having a fabulous time. As you can imagine I'm extremely jealous! Wasn't a huge fan of the North Island but to be honest that's probably because I'd just come up from the SOuth Island which you'll find is awesome!
Not much happening here in Scotland, Utd got beat by Kille (suprise) yesterday but the Vale won at Bridgeton (I appear to have taken your role up front, so they've replaced a skillful, fast person with a deceptively slow, 'have it' style centre half with the first touch of an elephant; bench for me next week I think).
ANywho, I'll keep checking in every now and then but keep enjoying yourself. We'll need to get some kind of code for photos of girls that you have been courting!!
alrite chief!
just been looking over your pics and blogs,sounds and looks amazing already!hope everything is going to plan.a take it you left before blair ran the marathon coz you sld of done it too!!your looking rather non hairy over there which is surprising you hairy h***!!! the hell did you manage to get sunburnt??!!(obviously by the sun.....).your not missing much here.footie indifferent as usual!take care anyway mate!!!al continue to follow you through your ramblings!!!haha!!!:)
Hi Duncan. I can only say that your eating sounds interesting. I said interesting not that I would want to try your wonderful concoctions. Anyway you certainly sound like you're having a good trip. We are all envious of the sunburn as all you would get here is windburn as its windy.wet and cold. Can't wait for your next instalment.
Hey! Thought I'd take communication beyond one text about your Setanta subsription, as interesting and entertaining as that was...! And let you know that I do not intend to make ANY spelling or grammatical errors (don't you know me at all??!) on this message board. Anyway New York photos are excellent, lovin the WHMS reference btw!! What's your new mobile number? Just give me it; I promise not to send any boring messages about Footloose or anything (even though I saw the video for the song the other day and need to tell somebody how awesome it is)ha ha. OK put more photos up, bye!
Great talking to you yesterday even though I was convinced you were having an asthma attack before you said you were walking up a volcano! Are you following the elections round the world? We are getting very well informed as we are reading up about the places you go to. Auckland looks brilliant - we are looking forward to the photos. Try not to leave a trail of your belongings around the world as you go!!
cant actually belive you wrote 'thoroughly modern mammy'!!!! Yeah La was great but just realised i left my phone on charge in room. so i've lost my travel phone and my phone charger and my plug convertor. D'OH!!!!!
Just to show that you can always depend on your old mum to be peeking into your business and seeing what you are up to! Thanks for the toned down swearing - very considerate!! I am feeling very hip and cool using a message board - tee hee- thoroughly modern mammy! So, first stop went well by the sounds of things. How are the beautiful people of LA? lots of love, Jan
leave messages for me here. do it, DO IT! ah go on, it'll look nice in my finished journal which i can get printed and bound. it'll remind me when i'm old and grey (well, older and greyer!) that i once actually had friends. plus, as an added bonus, everyone else can see what you wrote and laugh at your spelling mistakes and grammmaticccall errors,.