Our trip to Singapore was a flying one but that didn't stop us trying to cram everything in to two days! We caught the tube straight into the city and dumped our bags before heading out to the most insane 7 story computer centre you can imagine! Thanks to everyone back home and Santa we managed to purchase an absolutely brill tiny laptop for our travels at a bargain price after much bartering and wheeling n dealing! So with the laptop in the bag we headed for the massive market and numerous shopping centres- seriously they are on every street corner! Once we were well and truly shopped out we got freshened up and out of our usual backpacking gear for a trip to the Raffles hotel for a Singapore sling!!! The Raffles looked absolutely amazing; it was all decked out for Christmas and looked like something out of a fairy tale! We discovered our new favourite was so delicious, we savoured it for as long as possible before wondering around the amazing hotel as much as we could without looking too out of place! After a quick look at the largest wheel in the world that you can ride to view the city we managed to find the last of the hawkers that still serve in Singapore. The food was gorgeous and all made right in front of you-reminded us of our yummy China days! We then started to walk home with our bellies very happy and soon dawned on us how far we'd wondered from our hostel so Rich set his bargaining skills to work once again and managed to sort us a bike pulled carriage back! It was awesome whizzing through the streets effort free-although we did feel a bit sorry on the poor guy pulling us! The next day we headed to the 'Bodies' exhibition we had seen advertised all around the city, it is an exhibition of dozens of human bodies dissected in different ways to show how the body works! After you had got over the initial weirdness of being in a room with lots of dead bodies all over the place it was actually really interesting! You could see all the different muscles, a skinned man, loads of different body could see the whole way inside a giant giraffe! So after getting an education we headed out feeling a little weird but very pleased we'd been to see it! After a stop of in the Chinese gardens to watch the sunset we headed to the airport for our flight to Cairns.....Oz here we come!
Or so we thought! We arrived at the airport to be told that our plane had been moved forward 3 hours and therefore had left! There were 3 other English guys there who also had not been contacted so like us were still on the ground waiting for our plane that had already left! It was agreed that we would be put on the same flight the next day but that no accommodation would be after toying with the idea of 24 hours in the airport we decided we would go crazy and so before we knew it we were on our way back into Singapore! Shelly was thrilled that the extra day was not a complete loss as they headed out to the cinema the following day to watch 'A Christmas Carol!' Apart from the extreme aircon that resulted in Shelly spending the entire movie under the cinema ticket guys jacket the film was brill and it started to dawn on us that despite all the sunshine it was in fact getting close to Christmas! We finished the day off with a trip to the roof paddling pool on top of the shopping centre and cinemas and then a trip to the Ben and Jerry's restaurant! AMZAZING! As Rich sat on his udder shaped stool Shelly dribbled over the dozens of flavours before picking 4 to be put into a waffle dish and munched on! Finally the time came to head back to the airport for the second time to get our plane....second time lucky eh!
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