Rich McKerracher
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Santiago de Compostela, Spain

New blog entry posted
Santiago de Compostela, Spain

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Lavacolla, Spain

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Arzúa, Spain
susan welsh Congratulations! What an accomplishment.Proud of you both.Love,Susan
re: Santiago de Compostela, Spainsusan welsh Four days to the end!Unbelievable.You are to be commended.Very funny about the "sister" comment,Rich.I probably would have packed it in a long time ago! Love,Susan
re: Portomarin, SpainKelty Peregrinos valientes... I've been a silent observer but I want you to know how completely I am with you and how much I have enjoyed following your journey. Every word and photo brings a memory, and you've had me in tears more than once. I know I'm just your whippersnapper of a niece, but I'll say it anyway - I'm proud of you. Climbing to O'Cebreiro was the pinnacle of my Camino, spirtually as well as altitudinally. I will always remember it with gratitude. So I felt this was a fitting time to interject and say 'Buen Camino!' All the way to Santiago, now just a few days ahead... Love you both...
re: O'Cebreiro, SpainAlana The good thing is... Being BC kids means you are built for the rain! I think you guys are amazing!
re: Astorga, SpainMs. Mellie from Mississippi, USA Sounds like you're having a wonderful time! Still keeping up with your posts. You will definitely lose a couple of those nails when you get home. :)
re: Leon, Spainsusan welsh I am getting worried about Rich's feet!Enjoy your well deserved rest day.Buenas noches.Susan
re: Leon, SpainTed and Mary Stanyer Wow. Those are ugly feet, although you certainly have earned them! Have enjoyed reading through your blog of your journey- what an experience this is. Keeping you in our prayers. Love Ted and Mary
re: Leon, Spainjoanna yuck on the toes! i admire your perserverance in the face of that kind of icky pain. I can't handle anything to do with feet. perhaps Lynn is the same.... bike shorts do have ridiculous reinforcements equalling the holding power of steel but if you put that on your tummy you would die a slow and painful death so dont' even go there!
re: Sahagún, Spainsusan Are you at the half-way mark yet?The old buildings sound and look so beautiful. Not too sure about those grave markers along the camino! Susan
re: Carrión de los Condes, Spain- last visited

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Brian Woooo!
Janet Way to Go!!!!! Job well done.
susan welsh Congratulations! What an accomplishment.Proud of you both.Love,Susan