Hi Richard,
Pleased to here you have arrived safely in Thailand
after your rather long journey......bet you don't want to see another bus for a while!!!
Enjoy Bangkok and the elephant trail!!!
Hi mum
No internet places have camera upload facilities so will try when we get to Cairns 2m.
Just got back from Whitsunday trip - AWESOME - snorkelling, beaches, golf in amazing resort.
Janina Ellis
Where are those 4 x 4 photos!!!!!!
PRIORITY .....get them downloaded....brighten up our lives as we are still awaiting the arrival of some decent weather!!!!
Happy belated birthday rich, glad to hear your havin a quality time in Aus. We only have four days of travelling left!!!:( I know devastated!! Me and sam have just been jungle trekking on elephants in the thai jungle which was top quality!!! Cool to see you've met up with joey and amanda, say hello to them if u see them again for us! have a great time guys. all the best neil and sam. ps noosa - koala bar, you'll love it!!
happy birthday mate !
hope you're having a good one in Manly !
miss you n all, but the boys are doing well
need a result against bolton on saturday, spurs are now 'cheats' apparently haha OK wenger....
exams start on tuesday physics; i think im set up well for it
Ellis Junior
richie, happy birthday bud.
hope u have a wicked night out.
love chris
oh and portugals now booked - cannot wait, just been sittin in the library day dreamin about it!!
Your Grandfather
With my love, Your Grandfather.XXX
Janina Ellis
Wishing you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY Richard!!!!
Celebrate in style and enjoy yourself....it will certainly be one to remember given where you are!
Hi Sue
Jon and I had a good time with Simon and his family.
Going to spend a few days in some of the beach resorts around Sydney - Coogee, Bondi and Manly and then head up to east coast.
Hope everyone is well back home.
Sue Gates
Hi Richard, just been looking at your photo album. Nice to see all the photos of Sydney (and the family). Sounds as if you are having great fun.
Janina Ellis
Re: latest news from Sydney....sounds good boys, makes Walton sound rather boring!!!!!
Junior Gates
Hello boys, this is my first post, didnt realise this part of the web site existed. Heard youre off to Hed Kandi tonight, let us know how it goes, Im sure it will be finger licking good! Havent been up to much other than revision and watching the new OC, Seth has some winning lines ill try and post a couple when I remember them. Although it is probably somewhat unlikely I hope you two havent been too mischievous! Its nice to hear what youve been up too, take care, James. p.s. girls? Have you seen any? Spoke to any?