so once again we are here catching up on the past... this time with time to kill wating in an airport.... oh the joy! so after leaving the much loved singapore we left on possibly the biggest step on our trip so far... the great land down under!!! an our first stop was darwin the very top... north central of the country.. and that is one big country... u put oz on top of europe and ure covering everything from sunny dunny all the way to greece!!! anyway we arrived at a ridiculous time of the morning and true to form refused to go to a hostel and pay for the nights accomo so we bedded down in the airport an 'tried' to get some sleep.... wich was fairly pointless as every 15min the tanoi would blare out telling us if we left our bags unatended they would be blown up!! as ours doubled as a pillow i couldn't see this being a problem.... so the airport wasn't a complete waste of time... wee booked our first ozzy accomo in the malaluca hostel and got out first taste of what the prices where going to be like... compared to what we was used to in south east asia it was very expensive but pretty much the same as home.... even when we did eventually get to the hostel we had to wait a further 6 hours or so before we was aloud to check in... an by this time we both felt like s***... at about 6a.m we joined the local builders in the cafe for a fry up and my much desired tayste of a proper sausage!.... im not sure if me or danni have mentioned this in previous blogs but its impossible to get a proper sausage in asia... all you can get is the frankfurter type things that taste horrible... so this was a welcome change in oz... although about 15minutes after easting the nice greasy fry up we felt even worse than we did before... bit like a hangover withought being drunk the night before! when the staff eventually let us in to our room it was like heaven just to lie on the bed... not the best room in the world... plastic matresses and a bit of a grubby floor... but just to lay down on a bed was ace... the hostel was pretty kool too... had a great chill out area and 2 decent size pools and a jacuzzi + a massive kitchen so we could cook up some grub... which reminds me that there where 3 girls who where always in the kitchen when we was.. the type that really love themselve who i honestly believe thought they where gordan ramsy and as danni reminded me just now when we first used the kitchen we noticed there was a lack of cutlery an plates bowles etc and these girls had loads... so i thought balls to this and went over and ncked some... whcih was shortly followed by one of them comming over and asking for it back ... while i might ad was at this time full of our stuff so i wasn't to pleased... until i found out that each guest is assigned a kitchen set from downstaires and you have to go an ask for it.... what a wally!!! so anyway i have no idea what i was gettin at with all that but gives you a tayste i guess... now darwin is a proper ozzy place... sounds silly as you would think they would all be like that but i mean porpper ozzy short shorts... mullet cuts... everyone drives a truck... one parked in our hostel car park had 'pommie c***s sparaye don the side (sorry mum) which made us feel so welcome lol... and something we didn't expect was the aboriginals.. now as far as the law here goes they can pretty much do what they want because they was here first... so they pretty much just gets pissed.... loudly... alot!! i mean there not your average dunstable drunk quietly walking along with a raggy dog sipping a can on strong brew... these people meet in groups of 10+ and get hammered... shouting and swearing... one minute they hate each other and the next there telling each other they love them... very entertaining while watching the subject... and on top of that there hair freaked me out a bit... the old ladies have jet white wire hair and considering there skin is 'proper black' its freaky... like some weird voodoo doll.... im not racist by the way... fair play to them they seem happy lol... soo what else for darwin... we got out working visa's... after all the worry bout gettin them thinking they was going to ask for all these documents an proof of money an everything... we literally walked in and she gives us the sticker... folled by a pieve of paper if we wanted to do a second year!! no worries... i think thats pretty much it for darwin.. was only there for a few days... the sunsets where incredible and i think we got some pics of them up but thats it.... our next destination was sydney and to become our new home for a few months! anyways byee for now
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