India and Nepal 2022
Albergaria to Oliveira de Azemeis Most days so far, we have walked on our own or with good companion Richard and not seen too many other peregrinos. Today has been a little different. In our dormitory were three young men (lads) from Hastings who are walking the full route. They are two brothers and a friend who clearly are enjoying the experience together. They are wild camping, staying at fire stations (which is a feature of this part of the Camino) or in albergues. One thing which made us smile was that until recently, they had no maps or no idea where they were each day but just stopped when it felt right. Love that! About lunchtime we met two Swiss pilgrims on the way to Fatima, which is a popular pilgrimage route. They had already walked from Switzerland to Santiago - that's a proper peregrino! We are doing a 30kms day tomorrow and staying in a little donativo hostel, so tonight we all treat ourselves to a nice hotel in Oliveira de Azemeis.
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Marilyn Next challenge then - Switzerland to Santiago!!