Its 18:30 now and i just got on the train to go back to pisa. We had this incredible gellato at a highly recommended ice cream place called Grom. I have honestly never seen such a long queue for ice cream! Especially when there are ice cream places littered all over that area! They also had loads of staff in a small serving counter which was much needed seeing the customer flow rate.
David was really good too. The blog photo is duff because they didn't allow people to take photos in the gallery! There were loads of religious paintings and all the artwork there has been very well kept. The statue of david though... It was something else, the detail of finish is amazing. The sculpting of the veins on his arms and back are so well defined and the scale of the body is perfect. Possibly the most impressive thing ive seen on this trip so far.
I don't think i was very clear about how stupidly big the 2 slices of pizza i had was. I really don't see me eating anything tonight! Completely exhausted from all the walking today so i can't wait to get to chill out for a little while back at the hostel.
Well, theres still plenty to see in florence, so we'll be back again to explore the rest before leaving italy!
- comments
Seilo Sounds like you are having the time of your life hun! Remember to go to where I said!!! Take millions of pictures!!! and when you are in Italy you just have to eat pasta and pizza its a crime not to..... :P x