We left Taupo after breakfast and sadly with lots of tears from Myles who didn?t want us to go. After promising that he would see us again in the future, he calmed down and waved us off with the rest of the family. The journey to Rotorua was a foggy one, but cleared up after an hour or so. We decided to go to Te Puia, the Maori village and …
Hey Everyone!!!! Finally, they have sorted out the site and we can get our pics on here again. Hope you enjoy them. Just over 2 and a half months left, cant believe how much its flown by. Dont want to come home (but we do want to see everyone)We have seen some amazing places (and some not so nice ones) and already have some fab memories. Hope you are all enjoying reading our entries, although it does take us a while to update them. Please keep sending the emails as we like to know …
Finally, they have sorted out the site and we can get our pics on here again. Hope you enjoy them. Just over 2 and a half months left, cant believe how much its flown by. Dont want to come home (but we do want to see everyone)We have seen some amazing places (and some not so nice ones) and already have some fab memories.
Hope you are all enjoying reading our entries, although it does take us a while to update them. Please keep sending the emails as we like to know whats going on back home. If any of you want to come join us and share this fab experience-then why dont you? Miss you all!!!! xxxxxxxx
We left Taupo after breakfast and sadly with lots of tears from Myles who didn?t want us to go. After promising that he would see us again in the future, he calmed down and waved us off with t…
We followed the Thermal Explorer Highway from Napier to Taupo, arriving by 10am. Jeremy, Joanne and the children were pleased to see us. The children were really excited about the campervan an…
Anne Beales
Hiya you two,
How's it going? I feel very guilty about recommending Franz Josef!! I suppose it helps if you have blue sky and sun. If it makes you feel any better I was freezing at the end of it too.
Where are you planning next? Have a great time in your last few weeks. See you when your back. A xxx
Paul Henners
Looks like the trip is ace, Im looking to do something similar next year Im in cardiff on wednesday night, its a shame its Ben-less!! enjoy your last two months or so guys xxxx
hey dude!hope you are good and enjoying your travels!everything good here, the same old,same old!bet you cant wait to come home!ha!all the pics look amazing, im well jealous of you both!!!keep having a fab time,take care.xxx
hello u two, im sure u didnt mention that rachels going out?! how could you forget that? Well like rach sed, if theres smthing u want from home (like me) let her know. Photos are looking good! Lovely and tanned. Cant believe we had snow last nite, was alot! Dad was doing wheelspins sideways up the drive, i thought he was gna go into the garage like i did- was awful. It never lasts though oh well. Mums still ill- aww im looking after her though.
Not long to go now!! Make the most of it, ul have a shock coming home, love u loads XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
hey hun, what crisps did u say u wanted me to bring out with me, and is there anything in particular that ure really missing or need that i could get from ure mam/dad/house etc..? just send me an email or a message and let me know if there is anything!
Love ya xxxxxxxx
hey ria and ben
sounds like u still having fun, wownt be long and ill be experiencing it all for myself!!!
look forward to catching up in melbourne for a few cheeky beers
take care
see you soon
rach xxxxxxxxxx
Hey travellers hope your still enjoying every minute of it, no doubt you are! Just a quick one ri, enjoy your last day a s a 22 year old! Have a wonderful birthday.Celebrate well, have a drink for me!will be thinking of you.Big bday hug and lots of love xxxx
thanks for my birthday email rhi, shame u couldn't be here to celebrate with us although being half way around the world sounds alot more appealing! had a very drunk night in swansea, cant remember much following on from louise that is-all her fault haha! keep enjoying ureselves guys...love me xx xx
G'day mate! how is oz? im sure your still having a great time. Isn't it summer time over there now? you lucky things 2 summers in one year!spotted any skippys yet? Thanks for the bday text ri, was lovely to hear from you. We had a good night out in town, bit of a blur, i had a drink(or a few too many ) for you! Im off work today havent been very well so trying to get my assignment done which has to be in next week. bet your not missing doing work at all!
Keep enjoying yourselves. could u let me know where your gonna be for your bday and xmas? miss you , lots of love , xxxxx
stephanie the amazing
howdy from the u.s. of a., y'all!
ok, so after looking through all of your pix and journal entries can i just say this: i hate you! i've been back in p.a. since the end of august and haven't travelled anywhere since and am going out of my mind as a result. the fact that you're off having what looks to be an amazing time makes me incredibly jealous, i must admit. remember this whenever you're off at one of these places and getting tired of it all and want to be back home... no you don't!
seriously, just keep having a good time and posting lots of pix and entries and continue making me jealous. i like to suffer. hear it's good for the soul and whatnot ;)
lots of love and blessings to you,
hello my little adventurers! hows things? still sounds like alls going well out there! am glad to hear you are still getting some home comforts; indian meals, tea and duvets!!! things are hunkydory here, am about to start writing my assignment for uni, so im all excited today as you can imagine! off to exeter tonight tho to catch up with uni girls so looking forward to that! where you off to next? hope youre not getting all nice and tanned now! where you going to be for your bday ri?
keep emailing! love you xxxx
Hey guys hope the food situation is going ok as I know there were a few initial worries of starvation before you set off although judging by the photo's you're eating something!
Riya hope your other problem is ok you don't look too blocked up but I am dissapointed you didn't amnage to conquer our work challenge and go here before you left! Allan the ASDA ace sends his love!
aneke Why are your arms tucked in, you daft thing. Looks amazing though, well done!! XX
re: Ria's 12,000ft Skydive!!!