Barcelona, Spain Jun 28, 2011 My family and a friend called Rory went to a restaurant called "4 Gats". It was fun and the meals were very very tasty! There was a person there playing the piano. Picasso used to eat there! (Matias)
Arhus, Denmark Jun 25, 2011 We went to Arhus on 25th June and we saw the Sculptors by the Sea and then we went in to town. We saw a big square of soccer things. There were lots of soccer tables and there was this game where there were four walls with blue lights on them. If the blue lights go on you have to kick the ball at it. That night Spain played Switzerland in a game of soccer. Spain won the game!(Matias) On the 25th June, me and my brothers met our first cousin Daniel. We had great ...
Lystrup, Denmark Jun 23, 2011 On 23rd June my family and some friends celebrated St Hans which is the longest day of the year. On St Hans, people all over Denmark make a witch and put it on top of the fire. It was really fun and I would like to do it again! (Matias with help from mum) ON 23rd June my family and I went to Vivlid beach to celebrate the longest day of the year. The sun set at 11:30pm at night. There was a bonfire with a witch on top. It was so fun! (Kristian)
Hanstholm, Denmark Jun 20, 2011 We went to Hanstholm Ferricentre for 2 nights. At the Holiday Park there were very big parks and they had a really cool swimming pool. ON the beach there were lots of bunkers that were built by the Germans in the 1940's. We went inside some of the bunkers. My favourite was the one where I found a bomb propellor. There was a really big bunker that was half under water. (Matias with help from mum). WE went to the coast (west coast of Jutland) and saw some bunkers ...
Indoor Rain Forest, Denmark Jun 17, 2011 On the 17 June my family and i went to the indoor rain forest in Randers. It was so fun. Monkeys were roaming free and so were birds like they would in the wild. In the South American dome there were sea cows and cat fish and in the other water tank there were man eating pirrhanas. In another room called the Snake Temple there were snakes sliding around in the bushes but we only saw one. In a very dark room the were bats flying around under you legs and over y...