Hellooo everyone, glad that you could join me. I've got sore eyes this evening from the sea water waves splashing in my face - yes, I went surfboarding!.... well, not quite - it was boogie boarding but I'm pretty sure I'll be doing some surfboarding lessons here so by the time I get to Australia, I should be a pro. It started raining but we jumped in anyway - Ant only stayed in for 25 mins cos his chest was getting bruised with the coating of the board, but luckily the rough coating only got my arms so I stayed out for about an hour battling the waves ( well they were only about 5 feet high, but very powerful). I got knocked off loads, but I rode about 3 of them aall the way to the shore! It was great and definately something I'd recommend...I guess it helps that I love swimming.
We also started a NEW course today, yes Ant is in study mode and he's dragging me down with him. It's a Balinese masage course. This one's a bit wierd cos she's pulling our bones around, yes everyone at home, get scared cos I'm coming to get you all when I get back. Ant says it's just so that we know the exact points to press on and massage - it will be gentler once we've learnt the points. We've got the most gorgeous room in the most gorgeous hotel (very contemporary - everything is very square and red, black, grey or white). It was only opened a month ago. We were going to stay by the beach but the beach hotels are quite expensive where we are now so u need to stay in a bit which is fine for us cos we've got a car. The area we are in (Seminyak Beach) is a lot quieter and more chilled out/laid back than Kuta Beach so it suits us fine.
Plans for Keeran (my bro) to meet me and Maya in Melbourne are being made as we speak so hopefully there should be a happy family reunion in a few weeks. Thank you Selina (NOT) for reminding me that I've been away for nearly half the time of the year long trip now. It kind of brought a sinking feeling to my heart cos I'm enjoying travelling so much...or is it leaving problems behind that I'm enjoying so much? I'm not sure - maybe a combination of both. Anyway, at the moment I don't want it to be over - we'll see how I feel in a few months but because of the continuous changes (countries and travel companions), I just haven't gotten board of travelling yet.
Bye everyone, I'll write again soon (if this teacher doesn't completely pull out the bones from my hands tomorrow). Love Meeeeeeee xxxxxxxxxxx
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