I'm now in the States. Hollywood! WHOOO! So far you guys have seen almost as much as me if you checked the pic attached to this entry. It's from my room I was in the last three nights. And quite literally I was in the room. The during the first two days I left the room once. And this was to visit the reception.
"Oh my god?! Why did you just stay in the room?"
Well I got sick, almost 39 degrees fever so I couldn't really do much else than lay in bed or in the bathtub. This gave me a good opportunity to really get into the one of the most well known American cultural phenomena, the American TV.
I find it funny how they have to mention every possible side effect of a medical drug in the commercial. "Our SkinClear makes your skin nice and smooth, it removes sun damage, blaahblaahblaah. SkinClear may cause mild diarrhea, nausea and headache. It can reduce your ability to fight infection, it increases your chance to get cancer. In some cases it can cause acute respiratory system failure which leads to death. Go ask your doctor about SkinClear and get your silky smooth skin in just few days!"
Wow, really. I found it really funny that 1/3 of the commercial they tell what it does and the rest they tell what discomforts, serious medical conditions or how brutal death the product can cause.
There are also some commercials where lawyers ask if you have had this and that and got this or that as a side effect, if so, they ask you to call them so you can sue the company for compensations. This is so funny! And it gets better!
In this one DirectTV ad a middle aged woman told that she lives in the tornado belt and one of her neighbors once lost the whole house and she wanted to help. So she told the neighbor about DirectTV's referral program so they both can get 10$ off the cable tv bill.
Really?! Is that a proper helping? Cheaper tv crap when the house is a pile of debris?
Ok, I guess you got the point I'm making. Some stuff in the air is just f*ked up!
Oh yeah, I went to see some stand-up comedy yesterday. Open mic night in Hollywood doesn't mean amateurs, a lot of well known comedians from Comedy Central, Jay Leno's show ect. each did few minutes on the small stage. Can't really remember any by name but I knew some of them beforehand. I also think the bartender was an actor...
This is it for now... but more coming up on the next new exciting episode of the Sakke's Blog!!! Sunday 9/8c :DDD
Ps. I'm not sick anymore except maybe for the TV overdose.
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