Welcome to our website.
Here you can you find all about our globe trotting exploits in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and USA. Keep us informed with all your news by using the message board.
Grab your hat, your scarf and woolly pants and enjoy our ride!
Well it's 9 o' clock western seeboard time Tuesday 11/7/06.
You'll be flying home soon.
See you tomorrow.
Some good news though, the weathers good !
Richard, Denise & Gabrielle
Hello everyone!
Sorry we have not been in touch for a while but for those who are unaware we are now living in southern Spain on the Costa Del Sol in place called Manilva - we are also both working in Gibraltar and having a wonderful time so far.
If anyone wants to visit when their holidays come around then just shout and we will see if we are available.
Glad to hear things are going good guns over there you two and the photos looked great!
We will try to get hold of you soon so we can have a good chat but we will see you soon, hopefully, when you get back in July.
Love you all.
Richard, Denise and Gabrielle x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Flippin Mental.
There was me thinking that you were both enjoying your time away and you go and attempt suicide !!!!
What's wrong with you both ? Was the plane not capable of landing ? Was the pilot jumping as well ?
Stupid way to spoil a perfectly good flight if you ask me !
Anyway. It's mad here. World cup fever has totaly gripped us. Crouchy is everybodys favourite body popping hero and Rooney is getting fit !
Next game tomorrow. We're off down the pub ( Cork and Bottle ) to cheer on the EN-GER-LAND, shame that no one down there appreciates the game. Still, no where will be open at 5 in the morning for you to watch it. HA HA...
Happy birthday Mourinho. Couldn't send you a present as I didn't know where you were, so in the true spirit of things I drank it for you !
Speak soon, and stop doing stupid things.
P.S. I hope Gandalf the grey et al are all there and Chris has drawn a map of the place so when he comes back we can see exactly where the crack of doom is placed !!!!!
P.P.S. Nice to see Chris's mum taking a swim. Never knew she was a part time mermaid !
Hey Guys
Like your sky dive piccies, Chris looks like he's having more fun, Gex you look petrified in some and you're pulling some really funky faces at the end!! Fab though, would love to do it.
Hey guys, hows lush New Zealand? Hope you are having a fab time. Really enjoying reading Matthew Flinders Cat - thanks again for the book. Love the picture of Dan and I sloshed - he's not so keen! he he he!! That was a great day, it was fantastic to see you both. Enjoy the rest of your trip and we look forward hearing all about it. Will write again soon xxx
Team Sweden
hi guys how are you? and how is new zealand? cold i guess :) we are leaving australia today! feels unreal after 8 months. but it is going to be nice to see a new country dough. have a nice tripp! take care
Anita & works friends
Hi Guys,
Just a quickie, have just showed the guys at work your site, they love it and think its great. Will speak to you on the weekend. xx
Hi not sure if you got my email but thank you very much for my birthday card, wasn't expecting that!
I will only have the ntl email address for a few more weeks but I will let you know my new email soon as I get things sorted. Hope you're both well. Take care. Tracy XX
andy and katherine
just a quick one to see how yous are enjoying new zealand?
nice meeting you guys in sydney.
we're off to byron bay today then up the east coast.
andy and katherine
Have been checking out your new pictures, they are so fab, don't think I would like the spiders thought , have shivers thinking about it....
Glad you guys are having loads of fun, Chris's tan is looking good.
Keep up the adventure, and speak soon
Love Anita & Tony xx