FRIDAYLecture - Images of Scotland-contrasting what we perceive and what is actual-Hamish Irvine -[email protected],yj
Mr. Irvine explained that even though we might have certain images of Scotland in our minds, it is becoming much more modern.
We tend to have images of kilts which are part of the Scottish history/tradition;WalkersShortbread;beautiful hills -4 seasons in one day;Edinburgh Castle, sheep
The new Parliament Building in Edinburgh is one of the most modern buildings and the Scots are very proud of it even though the cost went from 40 million to 400 million pounds (over 800 million dollars).If the cost were divided among each person residing in Scotland it would be about 80 pounds each but there have been a lot of complaints from the people because of the cost.It was designed by a Spanish architect and has been open for approximately ten years - completed in 1999.The debating chamber is in a semi-circle, designed especially that way so political parties won't be directly facing each other in a controversial manner as in Westminster.
Scotland has a health care system through the National Health Service established in the 1940's by the Nationalist Party.Health care is free at point of delivery and the Scottish people pay 5 pounds for medication.There are also private health care plans through employers.Sometimes there is a waiting list for certain medical problems so the government encourages people to live healthy lifestyles.Doctors are very well paid with a salary of over $100, 000 pounds a year.
People are living longer in Scotland.The elderly receive free personal care, home health care based on need and not income.Nursing homes are called "Granny farms", are very expensive and there is a lack of them.There is a public and private system for the disabled - the trend is for care in the community.The standard of care seems to be better in the public facilities because they draw more experienced and better trained staff.
Parliament can only decide issues involving housing, education, health care and legal issues pertaining to the area.Taxes are decided in Britain.The tax rate is 20% up to 90,000 pounds and then 40% on the rest.Some Scots want their own system of taxation but by letting Britain decide, this lets the Scots "off the hook" so to speak. Foreign and economic issues are decided in Westminster, England.
William Wallace -His image is that he was very large and strong but he was also French, a lawyer and very intelligent.He established the idea of Scotland as a nation and fought for that belief.He won the Battle of Stirling Bridge by using his intellect - not killing all the British soldiers - just disabling them and their horses so they couldn't fight.The noblemen were not hurt but held as hostages so he could collect a handsome fee for their release.
The kilt was an English invention.The wearing of a kilt was illegal at one time with the exception of people in the army or lowland Scotland because it was associated with terrorism.The plaid or tartan was invented by the Scottish - consisting of one piece of cloth (approximately 7 yards), wrapped around the body - it was very practical - used as bedding at night.King George IV visited Scotland in the 1820's on invitation of Walter Scott.He dressed up in the Tartan and established a new image - if it was good enough bor a king it was good enough for everyone making it very popular and romantic.
Mr. Irvine then discussed the film "Trainspotting" which was made in the 1990's in Edinburghand portrays the dark humor because the Scottish laugh at horrible things - he believes the Scots are very pessimistic because the sun does not shine very much.
He went on to explain that there is a pub culture and that there is a large issue with alcohol - binge drinking by missing a lot of different drinks together.These people are called "Chavs" because of their violent behavior - no problem with guns but there is a problem with knives.The young people also mix alcohol and soda which are called "Alcohol Pops".Because more younger people are getting pregnant out of wedlock and not taking care of themselves, there are a lot of low weight babies and their development is slower which of course is going to affect the future health care system.There are also gang problems.
The Scots are also known for their whisky - called the water of love - made up of barley, water and yeast.The single malt is the best of course but the blended whisky is very good.
Haggis which consists of oats, liver, heart, spices, herbs and the sheep's stomach is one of the foods native to the country.There is also the famous "Mars Bar" which is deep fried - some people consider it very tasty.There is also deep fried pizza and the people eat far too much sugar - very unhealthy food served in the canteens.
Scotland is the home of golf - created by St. Andrews - started with two clubs (driver & putter) and was called "mashing niblett".The most popular sport is football and for leisure riding a bicycle.The Scots very much want to beat the English at football - there is a strong sense of competition.
Lecture - History of Scotland - Dorothy Bartlett
The Scottish people are fiercely independent and very much want to keep their own identity.They have a "bloody" history because of the differences between the Protestants and Catholics.The church had a great deal of influence over health care and the social system.John Knox, a Protestant reformer, threw the bishops, priests and everything out of the Catholic Church leaving the cathedrals very bare-no incense, no confession boxes, etc.The Multi Faith Society has moved very much backstage.
Scotland is divided by Prince's Street - New Town and the Royal Mile - Old Town.The Royal Mile was once called "Old Scot Mile".This is where Edinburgh Castle is located - just above the Royal Mile - no royalty lives in the castle.
During the Highland Clearance, a lot of people moved to the city or America because of employment issues.The City of Edinburgh was not bombed during the war because there was no industry - it was the center of law and medicine.This was very fortunate because a lot of the old architecture is still standing.Scotland took part of the revival in Europe and has a stronger connection with the continent than the English.
The Scots do not have to do national service but there would be a draft if needed.There are 27 countries in the European Union.Because Scotland is an island, there is some isolation even though they belong to the EU.Laws passed by parliament deal with education, tourism, transportation, health issues.Members of Parliament consist of the local authority - counselors, MSP members which are predominantly left wing (129), MP (United Kingdom parliament - 129) and MEP (European parliament - 72).The decision on whether to adopt the Euro would come from the Westminster Parliament.
There is a strong connection with poetry probably coming from the Scandinavian influence.
There is also a history of the clan system - head of the family - these people fought not only with the English but also among themselves.
Because of the extreme weather conditions, the roofs of the terra cotta houses are slate.The weather conditions have changed - there is not as much snow as there used to be but lots of frost.The days are much longer in the warmer months and shorter during the cooler months.
Scotland consists of 5 million people with most of them living in the more populated cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow.There is much diversified scenery.
Education system is different in Scotland and England.Scotland has standard grades and there are not as many religious schools.They also do not have as much home schooling in Scotland
The Sheriff existed since the 12th Century.Scotland does not have as much influence in criminal law - this comes from the English.Civil law is more influenced by Scottish law.
New Lanark World Heritage Site
This is a beautiful site consisting of the restoration of an 18th century cotton mill village.Robert Owens, the mill manager in the 1800's transformed life there with new ideas and opportunities which were ahead of his time.He believed if he created a safe community and improved health, education and wages of his employers, there would be a more harmonious community.
The children had to work but child labor and corporal punishment were abolished.The workers and their families were provided with modest but decent homes, free education, and free health care.He also provided the villagers with affordable food in a co-op market.
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