Our first early start! Had a wander around the town and through some very lush botanical gardens. Wasn't long before we spotted a very cute stray dog who started to follow us through the town. It then started running on ahead a bit, waiting and looking back at us until we caught him up. We decided to follow him as he was clearly a local island guide dog who wanted to show us around. We decided to call him jack. However, it turned out that he didn't really know where he was going and we just ended up walking around some residential areas, but we still saw some lovely views.
We eventually got back on track as we headed back down towards town, where we lost jack in the crowds, stopped for a quick pizza, and found a cable car that took us all the way up to one of the highest points on the island.
Late that night back on the ship on our way across the Atlantic, we were sitting on the top deck having some drinks when a bird crashed onto the deck after colliding with one of the ship pilons (we think). He looked pretty worse for wear and wasn't moving much, so we decided to take him back to our cabin and nurse him back to health.
Looking forward to the next 5 days at sea.
- comments
chris shepherd Sounds like your animal magnatism follows you wherever you go.Animals are smart!!!Bon voyage and safe travels.I'm looking forward to following your updates.Have a ball and mucho love from san francisco.