Glad to read that you made it home safely. I hope you are having a good time catching up with all your friends and family. Don't let the being home blues get to you. It seems hard to believe htis time last year I was getting ready to go to Vietnam and Cambodia and you guys were heading off on your journey. No news to excite you from this end.
Carmel xx
Hi Andrea,
Always looked at your progress. You two must be tired of site seeing and taking photos by now! Glad its going well for you. Give me a call when you get home.
Andrea, where are you? I found this blog, and see you're coming back apparently in November. Well, thats only two weeks off now! I hope you're both having a whale of a time. No travels for me this year - I think I got most of my allowance out of the way last year! When's the welcome home party then? I was in Fez Club the other day remembering my last time - which was your going away party! see you soon i hope.... sean xx
Michèle, Christophe Et Magali
Nous venons grace à vos photos de faire un très beau et long voyage. N'oubliez pas de rentrer pour nous raconter ça de vive voix!!!
Grosses bises de nous tous.
Hi there!
Thank you for the postcard. Just had a look at your pictures of the Galapagos which make me want to jump on the plane right now! Lucky you... Am back after two lovely weeks in sunny Turkey and so far... so good!
Take care and see you soon
bonjour tonton ,
J'ai regardé les photos des Galapagos quelle chance d'avoire rencontré tous ces animaux! Super !Super! je te souhaite un bon anniversaire pour tes 30ans
bisous à toi et à andéa
Neil Andrews
I hope all is well.
Could you contact me about your return.
Ana , Michelle & Daniel Galapagos
Hi Julien and Andrea
Thank you very much for the pictures of my kids. Guys you made my day today because I enjoyed all the pictures from around the world. I laugh out loud with the comments on each picture haaaa ! !!! At times it seems that Andrea does all the the commentaries but then it seems that Julien also adds some drama to the comments great job guys. Perhaps your profession should have been reporting? Awesome job with the quality of pictures
Best wishes and my blessing during your journey
The kids say a big hello and they see you guys as their hero's
Saludos from Texas
Michelle & Daniel
I noticed a couple of dodgy looking characters there in your photos in Quito!
We might catch up with you again if we are lucky! (Heading to Lima tonight and given the recent events in Bolivia we might just have to skip it this time... )
Have fun and hopefully catch you in October!
Tim and Renee.
Hi there you two.
an amazing time you are having. I got your postcard from Costa Rica last week, took a while to get here. I have never received a postcard from there before so it has taken pride of place on the fridge. The photos are brilliant.
I am an aunty, my sister had a baby boy 5 weeks ago. Such a cute little thing, Adam Geoffrey.
Sydney has had the coldest August on record and Maud moved out. She is in France and Israel on holidays. Hopefully I will get a postcard from Israel, not many people get postcards from there!!!!!
How's the ankle, all healed I hope (no pun intended!).
Bonjour tonton merçi pour la carte j'èspère tout se passe .J'ai lu la carte avec mamie nous avons cherché la carte du monde et nous avons regardé où se situait l'Equateur .C'est sur méridien 0 que s' appelle l'Equateur
Bisous tonton et Andréa de la part de Robin et Agathe p.s. Agathe a reçu la carte des koalas, elle vous en remerçie .
Bonjour tonton .Maintenant papa et maman travaillent tous les jours.Je suis chez papie et mamie. Je m'amuse beaucoup.Un jour je travaille scolairement avec mamie .J' aide papie aux travaux du jardin . Et le second on fait des sorties.j' espère que tout se passe bien! Bisous à toi et à Andréa.