Welcome back. Ive missed you! So off we went to the Coromandel to find a legendary spot called Hot Water Beach. Its a ways from were we left so we didnt make it in one night. Enter a $200 ticket for sleeping in the car. Balls. Found it the next day tho, chose a campground this time. An ancient volcanic fault lies under the beach at a very specific place. At low tide u can dig a hole to release that heat from deep under the sand creating you own custom geo-thermal hot tub! Hence the name Hot Water Beach, heh heh. Because the tide goes out twice a day, u can go out in the dark! Looking out into the open Pacific under billions of stars in a custom natural hot tub with cold bevy in hand is absolute magic. Oh yeah, and its free.
The next day we returned to the Northland to drop off my rental crutches at the med centre. We hit the beach there one last time to celebrate National Crate Day. Its like a 2-4 only in a wood crate. "Share a crate with your mate!". We met a real hip local named Tips(Tops?-he had an accent. Or i guess, i do.). He invited us to his house where his whole family was having a party and we got introduced to some genuine Maori culture and hospitality. We all had a blast!
Nursing yet another mild hangover, we caught a tour up to Ninety-mile beach to see the northen tip of the New Zealand. There was a rad lighthouse there and it was crazy windy, but you could litterally see the collision between the Pacific ocean and the Tasman sea. Seriously, a line of waves crashing into eachother straight out in the water. But the highlights of our tour were learning more culture from our hilarious bus driver named Diesel( i s*** you, not) and sand-surfing. This was intense, face first on a boogie board goin 70km/hr down the face of a massive sand dune! You can scope the vid here On the way home Diesel took the bus for about an hour drive down the beach and even into the water. We saw a seal, he was sleepy. Then stopped for fish 'n' chips and went back to the drop off point. Thnx for reading!
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