Well the trip wo amazing. We set of at 8oclock en ad a 3 hour drive to the jungle, thank god it ant rained en we oni ad to walk an hour en half en not 7hrs like some people av to do. the 1 en half hour trek wo hard enough, we wo all wet thru we sweat when we got there.
When we got to the base, we had a really nice surprise, they had a 4mth old baby bear called Patua that they had taken in, they found her in the jungle next to her mam that had been killed by poaches, en she wo just sat there at the side of her, so they bring her up till she feels ready to go back on her own. She the cutest thing av eva seen, you have to play with her really rough tho, cos she bites en her mam wud of done that. Other times she just wants a cuddle.
Anyway we got kitted up to zip line to our treehouse en i wo really scared, the guides dont speak good english, but they only show you how to strap on to the ziplines once en then your on your own. First time a went down me legs wolike jelly, en a dint mek it all the way to the other end, so a wo dangling 150ft in theair en i ad to pull my self hanging mid air, it wo so hard me full body wo shaking en a wo saying to the guide a cant do it, but he just stared at me as if to say sort ya sen out!
Still trying to get to the tree house we ad to walk some more, en within 5mins Alex wo flat on her arse, a wo laffin at her, en then a looked down oni to see a leech sucking on me foot, a freaked out en it wunt come off it wo awful.
Well we got there in end en they fetched us are tea en that ova, there amazing the tree houses en all made by hand, it takes the village people 3mth 2 make 1 en they av to drag all the materials thru the jungle to make it. So where sat there en in corner of Alexs eye she spotted the biggest spider av eva seen, so Tain who wo in are tree house went to hit it with his shoe, it saw the shoe coming en jumped about a metre across the room! It wo the size of my hand, we all went to bed shortly after that cos massive cockroaches wo flying at us.
Woke up next morning, thats if a slept at all, 2 the noises of all the animals in the jungle, it wo mad you could'nt hear anything else, en then we watched the sunrise it wojust amazing to see from that height.
Anyway we had breakfast en we all decided to go to treehouse 5 which is a fare walk away, so were all treking thru en goin on ziplines which a just ace, you could doit all day, Alex started showing off doin it wi no hands en got a rate robe burn to her forehead, it wo hillarious when she got to other side she wo in shock. It took us 2 hours to get there but it wo mostly downhill, we had are dinner there en ad to set of back b4 dark, well it wo herendous! A wo nearly in tears at end, i ad 3 leeches on me at once nearly all the way back, en we'd walked nearly six miles, but it wo all uphill now. A eventually got back to our house en a just shook for about an hour till a got ova it. Am glad a did it but never agen!!
We ad are tea en you just chuck any food ova side of treehouse, en there 1 pig that lives in jungle en it eats eveything, its huge. When you go to toilet it just drops down into jungle,en it will even eat that, if you know what a mean. Eventhe village people wont eat it cos its that discusting, its belly nearly touches floorwhen it walks.
Anyway had tea agen, en planned on saying up a bit later this night, but agen we ad visitors en this 1 wo even bigger, tain dare'nt even go near it. So we all went to bed en slept like babies from our 6mile trek. Woke up today en me bodies hurting from head to toe, it even hurts bottom of me feet. So it wo time to leave then en it wo honestly the best thing av eva done, believe it or not wi a few of stories av just told you.
Its all done for a good cause aswell, the lands all protected by the man who set this up, with us goin en paying for it, it pays for guards to stop poaches killing the animals en to protect the jungle. Its not advertised anywhere just word of mouth cos they dont want it getting too touristy en spoiling it. Leanne neil en kev you've gotta to it when you come away, saying that a can't see leanne doin all that walking i used to have to saddle her everywhere when we woyounger, am sure she med me do it once up queens park hill, en when a stopped half way up en sed a could'nt go any further she refused to get off. He He. Oni kidding mate.
Rate guna go, sorryif av bored you av gone a btt OTT wi pics,
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