Ayup Every1,
You all ok?
Where in Cambodia now, had a bit of a crazy day, we got up this morning en went to a shooting range. It wo crazy had a list of all the guns and rocket launchers you could fire. I choose the AK47 this huge gun, so we all decided to av 10 bullets each, well when it came to it we wo all really nervous they took us into this little back place en gave us earplugs things to protect us, well carlie went 1st en i wo surposed to be filiming her, well i thought we'd get some training or sumat. But next min she's firing, ad not even had chance to put me ear plugs in, a absolutely s*** myself, av never heard owt as loud. A went to run out of the building cos a wo parcially deaf, en then realised that this wo what was supposed to be happening. All this is on video, cameras just all ova place we me running about like a headless chicken! Joe went next en then it wo my turn, me hands wo shakingthis gun came up 2 me hips from floor it wo that big. The man had to stand behind us cos of the power of it knocking us back. A wo glad when it wo ova but could do it again now. It actually supposed to be illegal to do it but every1 does, Cambodias still a really corrupt country en they just do as they want. When we'd done he wo asking if we wanted to throw a hand grenade or set off a rocket launcher, we politely said no en just asked if we could have are pictures taken with the guns. 2 seconds later, av got a hand gun down me skirt that he appropriately put there en a riffle in me hand, a just could'nt stop thinking is this hand gun loaded. Crazy!! After that we went to the killing fields (bit of a gruesome day really)!! and its just so sad, cant believe it only happened less than 30 years ago, they've still alot of the skulls, en show you the graves where 400 people at a time wo buried, some still alive! While we was walking round we had a tour guide and he showed us the bits of bones still coming through the floor cos it had been raining, en there was still clothes coming threw the mud where people had been killed. It wo awfull to see, en the cambodian people still dont know why to this day y the Khama Rouge did it, and no been sent to jail, the trail is hopefully guna start next year in 2008. 3 million people wo killed for nothing and in the most herendous way, 10 times worse that hitler they say. Anyway after that we went to the S-21 jail where they had tortured even more innocent people, they where chained to a bed and left to die, every now and then being tortured by electricution, a really can'nt believe this only happened 28year ago. Anyway on a brighter note a like cambodia, as always tho guna av to be carefull its rife for kidnapping here, and it says in the lonely planet that little rich kids come out at night with there body guards looking for fights with tourists, so where guna stick together. Joe's travelling through cambodia with us, so it feels a bit better wi a lad about. Got me camera fixed other day ,a wo proper chuffed en then it broke agen am gutted, but i av put a few more pics on for ya, there all from vietnam cos it waint let me put a title for some reason.
Rate am guna go
See you in 27 Days. AAAArrrrgghhhh!!xxxx
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