Kayakin wi dolphins wo amazing, me en carlie wo in a 2 man kayak, we ad to get it ova waves to start wi, which wo hard enough, most people got flipped. Any way it wo hard work, we wo meant to be out for 3 hours, after abart half hour me en Carlie wanted to throw up. We wo moaning that we wanted to go back, en i wo moaning at Carlie cos she wont rowing in sequence wi me, which she dint appreciate! Anyway we just looked to left of us en there wo a surfer, en there wo this huge dolphin just messin abart jumpin threw the waves wi him, it took are sickness of striaght away. Next min a wave or sumat flipped me en Carlie out of are kayak, a turned round en Carlie wo nearly in tears, she finks a sharks guna eat her if she paddle in sea, so to be in middle of ocean, she wont impressed! I just wanted to laugh. We wo lucky that it happend tho, cos rest of group ad moved on a little bit, en we just looked at side of are boat en abart ten dolphins just swam by us it wo ace, they'd all missed it cos they'd moved on. Carlies ses that they'd come back to save her.Lol! Anyway where leavin ere 2mora, its bin really nice, we ad are tea other day in pub on beach (which mike dundee owns, you know him out of the film crocdile dundee) en then we just walked along beach to walk it off. We wo saying how much nicer it wo than walking out of winterseam on to tarmac, CAN'T WAIT TO DO THAT AGEN!
Where moving on to Surfers paradise 2mora, its meant to av a really good waterpark there, so am lookin 4ward to that. I'll put some more pics on soon.
Rate Ta Tar.xx
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