well the job i went and taught for got given to some1 else who used to teach there and just turned up in chaing mai later that afternoon, or im assumming this happened cos they never call me back to say the end result which was nice! been into 2 more schools this morning then theres 3 more i know of to try then if nothing is sounding promising im leaving for pai tomo as is too depressing just hanging round for jobs that no1 seems to no if there even there or not!will work at some point later in the trip defo and if worst comes to worst i can always get a job in bangkok but dont really want to do that if possible.
have just been lazing by a pool last few days waiting on phone calls so think i would really like to leave now, got a bike again today to find theres other schools and if no jobs going to bus station to get ticket to pai, a small town 3hours from here where i want to stay in a place called stone free (mud huts!) and its a scottish lady and thai guy who have horses and do lessons and treks so really want to go there and do some riding!maybe shel give me a job!
otherwise not much to report lots of halloween parties going on tonight and a few people going from the guest house but duno if il bother is cheap to drink in comparison to home (obv!) but not cheap to drink in comparison to everything else! been eating well, treadted myself to tiny chocolate bar last night which costs the same as a big bottle of water! have to stick to banana pancakes if i want something sweet. really like all the noodles and rice and curry and stir fry, had noodle soup last night whcih was tastey.
lots of love
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