Nice blog about Wellington - a shame no picture, though. love from singapore - see you next week.
Hi Rachel,
Hope you are OK and still having a fantastic time. x
Hi Rachel,
I hope everything is going well... I have a confession to make *Raz blushes, Kev printed a pic of you from your blog and left it on my desk I'm taking it as a hint to write something. Although, I have spoken to you on msn several times since and not to mention I'm lazy as hell. Well hope everything is going well in 'jail' all the pictures look amazing and makes feel like booking a flight right now :(. I hope you are keeping well, just to add its sorching here no doubt it will be followed by rain.
:D, speak to you soon. Much love x x
Hi Rachel, I keep looking at your blogs. You sound as though you are having a fantastic time. The piccies are brilliant. Keep safe. x
Hey Rachel,
Hope everything's going well. Thought I best let you know that the Chris and Addam travel blog has been short of compelling stories at the minute - no exciting trips to supermarkets for us. Yet.
Take care.
Hey everyone! Thanks so much for all of your messages... I love getting them! I'm in Melaka at the moment, and will be on my way to Singapore tomorrow morning. I have so much to write about, and a distinct lack of internet access to do it with! Hope you're all well, and I'll be back with an update and more photos as soon as I can be!
Rachel xxxx
Anita has never done a day's work in 10 years I've known her! So it is about time she done some calc prepping. Glad you are having a great time. Take care
Just have been speaking with your dad over the msn.
hope you are having a fantastic time!
Gus, Rita and Michel
Did you know Gemma has started talking to herself since you have gone?! ;)
Hey Rachel!
I have finally got the chance to sit down properly and have a rather envious look at your blog! it looks amazing! and I'm really proud you are doing this! You got delayed in Bahrain???? you should of stopped at my family's place for tea! We are all missing you but wishing you the very best. Keep safe and love you lots x x x ok can't I sneak you in a data request ? :P much love to you.
Enjoying the blog! More photos with YOU in them please!