Honkers Konkers
After another foul up with respect to the trains, we eventually arrived in HK at around midnight sat evening. We got a cab to our YHA with some difficulty as it is actually at the top of 'Mount Davis path' a place that no local has ever really heard of! Still, it was one of the cheapest options and being located on HK island itself was obviously right in the mixer of the city lights. And city lights. they certainly are. A simple cab journey can demonstrate just how impressive this city is in terms of its skyline. Having never been to NY, it certainly blew my mind. I had a vested interest in checking out HK, given that I could potentially spend 6m of my training contract here.
The next day was spent in the South of HK island, loafing in the sun. Much to my dismay, my semi decent tan acquired in India has all but faded so some beach action was desperately needed. It is somewhat strange to have a few beaches on the doorstep of such a built up area but I am sure I will get used to such a concept with the likes of Sydney to come! It's nice and hot here at 32 degrees. The sea water isnt the cleanest but we are hitting the Thai beaches soon so not to worry there.
Today I managed to get in contact with a couple of trainees currently out here for W& C. They kindly took me out for lunch, along with an aussie associate and it was great to get an insight into expat life out here. There certainly seems to be a lot of drinking involved and you get to enjoy rent free living - which will come in handy given there is mall after mall of designer goodies! Have to say that I am definitely keen to come out here for 6m or so. That evening, we hit the Peak, HK's premier tourist attraction where you are taken up a vertiginous path to see a view something like the one shown in the picture - unfortunately photo efforts were not quite as professional.
The next day we got all packed up and ready to depart for Bangkok, that is, until I checked our tickets and it turned out that our flight wasnt for another 24hrs! Good job I did so BEFORE we reached the airport or else it would have been management farce and a half. Instead we spent another day at the beach, before going to the cinema that evening to kill some time.
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