We got a very nice bus with leather seats this morning to Muine, it was alright except for an old Vietnamese man reclining his seat all the way, so Rachael had no room, Tom physically stopped the person in front of him putting theirs back too far. The weather is much cooler here and the sea very choppy, plans for a swim and possible windsurfing seem out of the window.
We quickly had a walk around the resort and avoided the rain as much as we could, the strip is really long but with no centre as such. We found a really cheap place with the cheapest beer on the trip so far and fresh sea food so we had a great tea there. Sat by the fierce waves Tom had prawns and Rachael squid both with a Vietnamese twist. Unfortunately at around nine the heavens opened and made moving elsewhere pretty much impossible so we had a few beers there and returned to watch a film.
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