I am currently in Lopburi...and what a shock me and Phil had when we arrived here: the place is full of monkeys: literally just roaming the streets. As soon as we stepped outsside our guesthouse, there they were. It was so so so cool. They inhabit the teple across the road from where we are staying. and it truly was surreal. Especially when they jump on you and try to rummage around in your bag for food or drink, it really is a great sight to witness.
However, Phil came back to the guesthouse this morn, after wandering around the temple. and had been bit by 2 of them: one had bit his finger, and the other had bitten him on his back. I couldnt believe his look, especially when he had been given a stick by one of the locals to stop them from jumping all over him: but according to him they had snatched his stick away from him and started tugging at his hair: I would loved to have seen that, and then he said that 2 of them just bit him. (I made a fe dodgy jokes to him abaout him contracting rabies, but according to the locals they are vaccinated against rabies: I am pretty sceptical myself, cos there are so many, and it would be near on impossible to vaccinate them all) so I erred on the edge of caution and made sure that I wasnt bitten: I made proper use of my stick, and ensured that the little f***ers didnt snatch mine away from me.
It really was amazing tjough: wpords cannot sum up the ecperience, they are in the streets, swinging from electric wires, scalling the buildings, jumping onto stationary cars,a dn damaging the hell outta them: they are so so so michevious, its unbeleiveable.
The best part for me was seeing the little scrawny babies, hanging from their mothers, and sucking milk from their teets: the babies were so so tiny, they were so cute: but according to Phil they little ones were far viciuos. I just put food out on my hand and they came up took it out of it and ran off to eat it: It was great.
Tomorrow I think we are heading back to Bangkok, because me and Phil both start out TEFL course on the 9th July, so back to the hard work for us. But it has been great gettingout of Bangkok and having abit of a break, before the real hard work starts.
I will definately get some pics uploaded on my blog as soon as I get back to Bnagkok and get a chance....I have some amazing pics......
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