Friday : Fine
We went for a walk up the big hill on the island today, we biked it up to the base of the 314m hill. Up top we had a great view of the island, and there was a fort that looked like it was completely abandoned. There were old machines and equipment left up there, and they were all tipped over and pulled apart. The place was completely falling apart, walls had fallen down, others had holes through them, even the tower on top had collapsed. It was fun climbing through walls and exploring the deserted building, there was a bathroom with a tub that has million dollar view over the island and town centre.
Once down we went for another bike ride around the north side of the island, and along the way we had to do a little repair to the sea salt rusted bikes. Then went to scrub the grease off at the beach.
Once back at the unit we had a short break while we waited for the shops to open back up. We wanted to buy some locally caught tuna. The islands in the area are renowned for the tasty fish. However the asking price was way more than what we were prepared to pay, €20 for tuna in a can! I'm sure that it would be yummy, but I'm sorry, I'm not going to pay €20 for some cat food. I would pay that for a tuna steak in a restaurant no doubt. So we picked up some much cheaper canned tuna that tasted absolutely fanbloodytastic in the pesto pasta followed but a huge fruit salad for desert.
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