So today has one key word... kayak! Wow what an amazing experience we had today kayaking in Lake Union! LOVE!
Over an amazing breakfast at Stoneway Cafe, we decided to look for a kayak rental. There is a heat advisory after all for Seattle today - it got all the way up to 83 today! Lol! We found Northwest Outdoor Center just a short mile walk away in Queen Anne. We trekked through the 80 degree heat (lol, again) to the keyak rental. After our 30-second tutoriaal, we were put in life vests, given oars and thrown in a kayak into the water. It took me a second to even get my oars scooping the right way! Navigating through yachts, power boats, canoes, many kayaks and float planes, we made our way onto Lake Union. Wow! The boats and floating houses were breathtaking, but to then look out and see the Space Needle and the city looming ahead was awesome! The kayak was surprisingly easy to paddle and to turn; I felt like an expert, but looked, I am sure, like a neopyte! :) After about 30 minutes headed toward the city, we turned completely around and headed toward the Aurora bridge with a stunning view of Gas Works Park. The float planes were taking off and landing now like crazy and the power boat traffic was building up. We maneurvered the wakes, enjoyed the ride and made our way past tour boats and huge yachts as we were just specks in the water. SO glad that we decided to kayak today - definitley the best thing yet!
On our walk back to Fremont, the Fremont St. Bridge went up to allow a beautiful sail boat to pass under. More breathtaking views as we waited to walk over. There is truly something about being close to water!
Our regroup at Red Door with a summer IPA for me was great. We followed that up with a visit to the Fremont shops and a stop for ice cream for G at Blue Bird. By now it was definitely nap time!
Dinner tongiht was a trip to Bell Town. We went to Queen City, a restaurant Angela and Don had taken Claire to in August. It was a delightful evening with a delicious dinner and some really good conversation. Love spending time with these two!
Goodnight Fremont for the last time.....
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