Day 67 2nd Feb
We're out of bed and down stairs for breakfast with only just enough time to spare and as soon as we have finished eating we're back to the room and back into bed..... Malaysia is such an easy place to be in and promotes a relaxed state, so relax is what were doing....
Our bedroom has a large wall mounted TV which will display the photos from the virus infected memory card...... This is good news for us, we now know for sure that these photos are still on the memory card, it's just a case of removing the virus....
There are quite a lot of photos on this memory card, and having not seen them for a while we just sit back and watch the slide show.... Thankful that the virus doesn't seem to affect the TV's ability to show them.....
Hours pass, but we're happy just chilling in our lovely clean, cool, modern hotel and by the time we walk through the open hotel doors for the first time today it's 14.00.
I absolutely love leaving the hotel.... Wham ! The heat just smacks you in the face.... It's nice..... Over here you go outside to warn up, and go back inside to cool off... It's brilliant !!! Or at least I think so.... Shiree not so much.....
There's a large shopping complex around the corner from the hotel and we're heading here for some food.....
The shopping centre is vast and has a world record breaking vending machine outside... It's the largest in the world and must be 40ft high.....
It stands outside the main doors of the shopping centre along with a huge gold horse.... It's the Chinese New Year and this year is the year of the horse.... Hence the big gold horse.... Inside the main doors there's cool air conditioned air..... This pleases Shiree, who quickly turns her attention from keeping cool to shopping... We wonder around the many floors of the shopping centre and pass a clothes shop that catches her eye..... We must be in there an hour or more, but when we do leave we do so with a smiling Shiree...... 5 items of clothing for 129RG - about £23
We grab a bight to eat and go in search of the loos... Ten floors this shopping mall has and I'm sure we walk every inch of every one of them but no toilets are found by us.....
We do however find a shop selling leather and wonder on in.... There is loads of stuff in here and a belt and wallet soon catch my eye... The belts cut to length and feels nice quality... Shiree spots a lovely red purse so by the time we leave, we've got no money left to put in our new wallet or purse... But we are happy.... We soon find an ATM and restock......
From here we go in search of a street we found on our first night.... It was full of people, open street dinners on plastic chairs and street stalls with clouds of smoke.... We wanted to eat here before we leave but weren't 100% on its location, but find it quick enough...
It's just the same during the day and we have a wonder around before going of and getting a drink inside somewhere out of the sun.... We have tried to find a cocktail in each country that is poignant of our location, but try as we might, we can't find one.... We end up going for a pineapple Malibu.... Or two, which was very nice indeed....
It's evening and the sun has gone, but it's still roastingly hot! We just spend an hour watching the world go by.... And the cars...
There is a huge number of Protons here... These guys love them.... Easily 75% of all cars are Protons.... But they are a Malaysian company so there probably pretty cheap...
After leaving the bar we return to the street we refound earlier..... There's a menu with something we'd like to try..... Me more so than Shiree, but she is reluctantly game.... We order frog from the first stall selling it.... There all laid out amongst the fish and lobster on beds of ice cubes, everything's got foot long cocktail sticks pushed through its body, and the frogs are skinned and headless.... But there's no mistaking the shape.... It's definatly frog.... And much larger than the frogs at home.... It's picked up by the large cocktail stick and briefly plunged into boiling water before being deep fat fried and on your plate with a couple of minutes..... It's still got the cocktail stick through it which is now very useful for holding it still as you take it apart.... A frogs not covered in much meat and what meat it does have is on the rear legs.... It's a white meat once cooked and is actually very nice... It tastes very much like chicken but has a slightly more chewy feel.... It's very nice. From here we hop back to the hotel....
Earlier in the day I'd enquired about changing rooms so we could get a room that overlooked the twin Petronas towers that we'd visited yesterday. It is tricky to get a photo of the towers from a distance as space is tight in Kuala Lumpur and there's tall buildings everywhere... A photo is all I was really after, so in the end it was deemed easier all round if someone accompanied us to the "executives lounge" on the 25th floor... It's out of bounds to all but the wealthiest guests so we'd be accompanied there and it'd be for a photo only.... I was very grateful for this...... Excellent I thought.....
However, having got back into the hotel now we're informed by the reception staff that the executive lounge had now closed for the evening... But all was not lost though.... Our receptionist checks with her boss and calls over security who walks us over to the lift.... We've been given the green light to go to the top floor... Floor 27....
Even Better !!!
When the lift finally stops and the doors open, they open onto a long dark's initially unlit until the security man finds the light switch.... The views fantastic.... This side of the hotel has a better view than we do on our side, even so, I could spend all night looking out of ours.... We look down on a much busier city with movement everywhere at ground level.... The Menara tower and the Petronius towers look amazing in the dark nights sky.... We take a couple of photos and leave, not wanting to out stay our welcome..... It's a brilliant nigh time cityscape and I'm pleased to of been able to see it from up high.....
The "Menara tower / Kuala Lumpur tower" is a huge communication tower that is equally as impressive and similarly tall as the Petronius towers.... Having both towers in this one city really does symbolise how far Malaysia and Cambodia are apart from each other.... Two opposites in this Asian continent.
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