Im just going put up a quick blog, im going to get a ride to the train station in 20mins and then iv got a 16 hour train ride to Ho Chi Minh city so I won't be able to post anything till tomorrow night, yesterday was a chilled out sort of day, we went and got a 2hour body massage and we had a 45min body coffee scrub which was interesting it felt like someone was rubbing me with really corse sand paper that stunk like coffee but apparently it gets rid of all the dead skin I got wrapped up in glad wrap for 30mins and after I got out of my cocoon I had a shower and I felt brand new I then had a one hour massage and it was great, and it all cost only $25, we had some final fittings for our suits and then I had another fitting and a another fitting and the final fittings were never ending I managed to get out between fittings and take some photos, I found some pretty cool places in and around the old town but I couldn't get to far cos I had another fitting finally I finished my fittings at 9pm and then we went out for dinner we found this place near our hotel, and the food always takes a long time to make so this restaurant had a chess set on the tables and we played a game of chess and I bet Daniel, I am quite I chess enthusiast.
This morning we had breakfast and went back to have the final fitting everything fits like a glove we payed for everything and we got the clothes shipped to Australia I got 4kg of stuff made and daniels got about 13kg his also sent some extra stuff that he doesn't need any more back home with the suits, but Im looking forward to getting on the train there were no soft sleeper tickets, so I got hard sleeper tickets and the difference between soft and hard is the soft sleeper has a softer bad and there are only 4 bed per room and the hard sleeper has harder beds and there are 6 beds per room over 3 levels and the only spot available was hard sleeper right on the top bunk, so it going to be a interesting next 24 hours.
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