Apologies for your father's crazy ramblings but he is very excited about saturday - either that or the stress of work has finally tipped him over the edge. I hope they do win though to keep him in this good mood cos I've got my eye on a lovely coffee table from Laura Ashley. I've already got two adironback garden chairs on order just cos they got to the final. So come on the bluebirds I say!!!!!!!
Rhi is Rhopra and Phil is Phopra
Rachel gets to be Ropra, and I'm Popra.
Hi you 2, did you get to see the T20 final on any television over there. Bet the Aussies were sick losing to the Poms (or South Africa). We have all changed our names now until Saturday, Dopra, Mopra, and Popra and if Lauren comes over she is Lopra.
My tickets finally arrived yesterday, if you go onto the Wembley website and checkout the interactive seating views you can see our seats under the Club West views, we are row 3 about 20 seats to the right of the actual view. We are going up via T5, breakfast there and then the tube in to London. We might get tickets to see the Ospreys in Dublin on the 29th as well as we are over there anyway.
Rhiannon, D has been calling me Chopra all week, so M has decided I need an official name change until Saturday. I am now called Popra. Cool eh do I get to wear a blue shirt like D. Hope you are OK with this cos you are my real mummy xx purr
Hmmm just read your blog and while I'm glad you are having a good time, I'm not sure about cuddling this Wesley creature. I know you are teasing me Phil cos I'll always be Rhiannon's favourite!!!
Gosh another blog, we waited months and now theres another one, nice to speak to you on skype yesterday. Take care xx
Hello Rhibee and Willamina!!
How are things down under? I was out for a hen do last night, so hungover this morning, grrr, but I think I'm going to try to do some shopping this afternoon.
Let me know if you are on skype over the weekend XX
Hi both how are you hope youre ok, were all fine here apart from the weather which is awful. I bet you wish you were going to Wembley next week to see the Blubirds(hope they win) mind nobody in work wants them to win, as I told them they are a welsh team and we should be supporting them. Hows the surfing going Phil and has Rhiannon been in the sea yet? Anyway take care and hope to speak to you over the weekend . Bye xx
Hi you 2
Got my Wembley tickets this morning for me and baby D to go and see Cardiff City at the play off final, 1 game away from the premiership now. Ticket website this morning was nuts, queues to just log on and then really hard to get our seats together. Finally sorted for the 3rd row in a second tier block just to the right behind the goals. Match last night had everything, highs, lows, fightback, extratime and of course Rachels favourite a penalty shootout. Thank god that was up the other end cos don't think I could have faced right in front of us at our end. Had to keep texting mummy and Rachel to keep them up to date but my battery was running out, at the end I could only manage one small text each
Had a good chat with our Chopra (aka Poppy) this morning about the game over breakfast. She had already had her own texts from chops herself so knew all about it. So just think Phil if you weren't in Oz you could come to Wembley with us and mummy would have happily gone shopping in London with Rhi, in fact thats what she said to me just now. Going to have my tea now, we are having Veal burgers again tonight, byeeee xxx
Hi both hope you are ok , just come back form voting, thats all is on the telly . Hope you are having a good time. Weather not good at the moment cold some rain and forecast isnt good for the next week. Not much news to tell you had a good night the night of Bethans birthday . Alun came home from hospital tonight hes ok , skype you the weekend bye xxxxx
Thanks for all the messages! Had a really good day, spent it sunbathing on the beach in Noosa! See u all in 4 months!
Hi Guys!!!
Happy Birthday Rhi!!!! Hope you had a fab day!!! Phil, congratulations on the surfing I am very impressed! I've been trying for years and only stood up about twice! So jealous that you vistied Ramsy Street! I bet it was great fun! I have been in the beacons in the sun...for a change on expedition and hanging out with the Duke of edinburgh himself!haha! But still neighbours, oz and the surf is way cooler!!