Have a safe and fab journey in Hawaii lucky things bye xx
Phil & Rhi
Hey fans!
Thanks for all the messages. Our time in Australia has sadly come to an end :(
but......we're off to Hawaii tonight!!!! wooooo hooooo
watch this space for more sunshine pics to make you all jealous! ha ha
wish we were there the fishing is crap wont be long before you're back to look after mami & dadi. Enjoy what time you have left
Big Bass man&fishwife
Hi both.Excellent blogs yet again and the photos are brilliant. Frazer Island looks truly amazing and where better to spend your birthday than Noosa with Phil spoiling you!! Enjoy your final few days in Oz back in fabulous Sydney. Lots of love XXXXX
G'Day Both
Fantastic pictures again and I have eyestrain from all that reading of blogs - well done both - must be hard to tear yourselves away to write to us all. You are both looking well and you could spot the newbies in the group photo - Phil n Rhi looking the well travelled pair. Have a safe journey on to Sydney look forward to the next chapter.
Love Jan Jack and Joannexxx
Just read the blog to go with the pics understand now about the snake , safe jouney down to Sydney today xx
Mami And Dadi
Fab photos especially the one of you and Rhi in the sea what we need is the blog to go with it speak to you soon bye xx
Hi you 2 was that the first real in the wild not in any zoo or cuddling park, don't mess with me cos I'm a real KOALA photo so just you watch out popra xxx
Hiya, great photos. I can't believe my grandfather was in Townsville all those years ago but chose to come back to the UK - you could have been an ozzie Rhi! Love the little pink mini-moke. Have a great time in Byron Bay. Love you xxxxx
Hello Phil the podge and Rhi, just looked at your new photos who ate all the pies (PHIlL) lovely photos bye xx
Hi lovely to speak and see you on skype today, Gosh eleven weeks today you will be home (I am not counting) you looked really well have a safe jouney tomorrow to B Bay take care xx
Lauren - Aka Chief Bridesmaid (Rhiannon You Are Flower Girl Remember Cos You Are The Baby!)
Hello you two! You will both be pleased to know (you especially Philamina!!) that I have now finally booked my flight to Boston! Whoop! Bring on the banana split challenge! Phil - be afraid! It will be painful, believe me!
Rhiannonandonandonandonandon! Pops is back in her Dunlop chair again now for the summer!