Quick Update: I bought a Nokia Mobile Phone the other day. It is primarily so that I can keep in contact with the other volunteers while i am here. I've also got it for emergencies and will use instead of my normal mobile. But if you want to ring me or send texts you can.
The number is 075 7835342. I don't think you need to dial anything else other than the number. Maybe someone can give it a try to see if it works. Try a text first. I don't know what the rate will be - but i know that i won't get charged for an incoming call.
It's Thursday and the Swahili lessons are continuing. Going out to see a live band tonight which should be good. It's the last full day in Dar tomorrow, then it's off to Mwanza and then the orphanage... my next post is likely to be at the weekend sometime. But if I go quiet for a few days then don't worry, it just means i haven't got access to a computer.
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