Finishing work at 3.15am is never fun, especially followed by an hour long walk home in drizzle and cold wind (is this Australia or Scotland?). Resisting multiple cheap fast food options was rewarded with peppery smoked salmon and cream cheese with a dollop of veggie stir fry. The universe also commended me for walking by throwing a $5 note my way, found rustling in autumn tree litter.
Woke up to my few remaining housemates in the bank; always up for tea and a chat.
Queen Victoria market isn't my favourite spot in Melbourne, but a significant one none the less. With the strong smell of fish and the heavy downpour, my reunited east coast friends and I left for warm but rude dumplings.
Another fleeting visit followed by loving goodbyes.
As my dwindling bank account and ambitious travel plans loom over me, I decide to save and get cosy with one of my Scottish angels for the evening. Bowlers Run and The Conjuring.
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