Welcome back! Looking forward to see you both in July and to hear all the stories!:o) Maria x
Hej på er och glad Midsommar!
Ja, här hemma firar vi midsommar med matjesill, gräddfil och nypotatis med dill och snaps därtill, dessert jordgubbar och grädde. Växlande molnighet och ca. 20 grader. Det får bli fest när ni kommer!
Nu går det undan, nya foto och spännande upplevelser på löpande band. Det är fantastiskt roligt att se er bland Terracotta armen och nästa gång kämpande uppför höga berg för att nå toppen och njuta av den storslagna utsikten. Vad blir det här näst, Kinesiska muren?
Ha det bra och sköt om er, så ses vi snart, det skall bli så mysigt!
Kram Inger och Bengt
Hello you 2,
HK looks awesome and Hanoi looks crazy!! lol
Can't believe you will be back soon. part of me feels like it has been an age and another part thinks that you surely cannot be coming back already! Must say though i cannot wait to catch up with you again - really looking forward to it!
Make sure you enjoy your last few weeks.
Take care and speak soon (literally!)
Dan Zaltzman
Hi you guys,
Still look like you're having an amazing time! I'm still very jealous!
When are heading back? I'm really looking forward to catching up with you.
Take Care
Love DZ
The traffic in Hanoi is hilarious...... bikers, cars and walkers all seem to know their place on the road though!
Kate Dickins
Hello Lovelies,
Hope you are having a wonderful time still - really enjoyed the video of your boat trip looks er great!
What's your schedule for the next couple of months? I have some free time from the Bank coming up and I thought I might see if our paths could cross somewhere.
Love to see you both at some point soon
Olof & Marie
We hope you will have a great time in Vietnam. Tomorrow Marie will run a half marathon i Gothenburg, please send her some supporting thoughts! I have managed to caught my second cold this spring and will stay in bed all weekend, please send me some get better thoughts! We are looking forward to see you here in Sweden.
Take care
Loving the Phi Phi bucket chat, we did exactly the same thing when we were there...you get absolutely brained on them!
Ha ha ha, wasn't my words: "Stay away from the buckets" ? Or at least "stay away from the Thai red bull" I warned you...didn't recommend it. :o) But then again kids always do what you tell them not to! Enjoy Vietnam!
Cicely Perry
Dear uncle phil and sofia
I hope you are having a good time traveling. I was in the children's parade on saterday, our school's theme was diabalos some children dressed up as diabalos. Which contry are you in now?
from cicely
Ben Goodburn
Phil - really enjoyed catching up. Good to see you so healthy and happy.
Sofia - it was great to meet you.
I hope you both enjoyed Borneo. Let me know if you're passing through Singapore again - bed and beer waiting.
Make the most of the final bit of your trip (I don't think you need any encouragement...).
All the best.
Hej på er!
Detta gillar jag, kul med många fina bilder från Australien och lite spännande text. Jag kan tänka mej att det var skönt att lämna bilen och campinglivet efter den långa resan. Hoppas allt är bra och ni kan se fram emot nya utmaningar i det stora landet.
Vi vill passa på att önska er en Glad Påsk, få se om ni hittar några Påskägg där nere! Här kunde vädret vara bättre, det ser ut att bli blåsigt, kallt, regn och snö. Vi som brukar ut och vandra på Öland, Jordtorpsåsen på Långfredagen. Skall det bli av får vi klä oss varmt och dricka glögg eller varm äggtoddy, tror jag. Hoppas på lite vår-sol någon dag, den är varm, bara den får chansen.