We are sorry to say this is our last day in Melbourne (until our return visit in feb) so we thought we had better update our blog and photos whilst we have access to a computer. These may be the last photos you see of us until we get back here so hope you like them!
We are so grateful to James and Renee for their generous hospitality over the christmas period - they have taken us sightseeing, fed us yummy breakfasts, BBQ's and puddings and best of all, given us unlimited access to a washing machine! We are already looking forward to our return, to meet the new baby and enjoy another 'spa' break at the Belsey resort.
So to update you... we arrived in melbourne late last Saturday and despite the prior warnings, were amazed to see the Christmas decorations on the houses along their road in Altona Meadows. We were then up early sunday for the first of the treats - pancakes and milkshakes for breakfast in the laid back beach area of St. Kilda. We then enjoyed a leisurely day browsing the St. Kilda craft market, the city centre and docklands.
Monday we visited a shopping mall for a glimpse of the pre-christmas madness we thought we had managed to avoid ths year. Phil and I settled upon a budget $20 dollar (10 pound) limit for pressies - namely a wind-up torch for phil (much-discussed during the first few weeks of travel) and earrings for liz, plus various sweets and chocolates. Rock and roll!
Tuesday, james took Phil and I to the Yarra valley to meet the kangaroos, koalas, dingos, wombats and platypus etc at the Healesville sanctuary. A suprise highlight was the birds of prey display which involved huge eagles etc skimming the tops of our heads!
Wednesday, Phil and I spent the day in Melbourne, window shopping around the lanes and malls, learning all about Ned Kelly in the state library exhibition, getting ourselves arrested, charged and locked up in the Old Gaol (where ned kelly was hanged), and enjoying a leisurely afternoon in the beautiful botanical gardens (note to Dad, the 2nd botanical gardens visited making me the official favourite Hoodless-child). Following a sneaky tip, we also snook up to the toilets on the 35th floor of the exclusive Sofitel hotel to take in the views of the city (with windows floor to ceiling), rather than paying to see them from the official observation deck of the Rialto tower - haha. The weather was so lovely on christmas eve, it was hard to believe when we were eating ice lollies in the park that they were preparing for the christmas eve Carols by Candelight concert just along the road which was broadcast across the whole of Australia that evening. Christmas eve dinner was a bbq in the back garden. Sweet.
Thursday, Christmas day began with an early morning skype call to Anna, who was 16 hours behind in chicago and just about to leave for church on christmas eve... (my brain hurts). Lunch was a traditional turkey lunch in the garden, followed by a delicious trifle - compliments to the chef James. After lunch, James obliged our wish to visit the beach on Christmas day, where james and phil indulged their competitive needs in a fierce game of bat n ball. in accordance with tradition, the rest of the day was spent eating and lazing around watching tv.
Friday, James took us to the cricket - the Boxing day test at the Melbourne Cricket Ground, which was great fun - and a real cultural experience - i have never seen so much beer drunk at 10 in the morning!(Not by us - Phil)
Saturday Phil and i went for a fun bike ride to Williamstown along the coast... 30km later the fun had worn off somewhat... Although the John Wayne impressions for the rest of the evening were rather amusing.
Sunday Phil and i headed back into Melbourne, to hang out at the beach in St. kilda and visit the Fitzroy gardens in the centre of Melbourne (ahem, Dad...)
And that brings us to Monday 29th. Our planned date to arrive in Sydney... had we not tried to buy train tickets a few days ago when they were already sold out... So now we face an 11 hour overnight trip to sydney where we will be for 5 nights. We are lucky enough to be viewing the fireworks from behind the opera house (another generous gift from James and Renee - although perhaps this was just a plan to make sure we left! haha). Look out for us on the tv, we'll give you a wave...
Liz and Phil
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