Hi All,
Here is your first weekly update to let you know we are still alive and make you green with envy! Here is what we've been up to so far:
Sat-Tues: Cape Town
Really enjoyed 4 nights/days in stunning Cape Town. We hung out at the V&A waterfront and central Long Street area, visited Robben Island (shown around by former prisoners), headed up Table Mountain for panoramic views of the City and drove through the beautiful scenery of the wine region Stellenbosch. We also spent a day arund the penisula, seeing the penguins at Boulders beach, seals at Seal Island and Baboons at Cape Point. We even donned cycling helmets to cycle around the peninsula... and there was me thinking it was a holiday!
In the style of Jo Wiley... what rocked: everything, the city was brilliant and the people very friendly. What sucked: going down with tonsilitis on Day 2 (Liz) and being wee'd on froma great height by a man in tribal get up on a motorway bridge - didnt see that one coming (literally).
Tue-Thursday: Hermanus
Followed by two days/nights in Hermanus where we have got back to nature on a Whale tour and (....sorry mum) - Shark diving! Yes, Phil and I donned wetsuits and lowered ourselves into a cage with 4 other fools to get up close and peronal with Great White sharks at Gansbaai. It was actually really amazing, with our boat circled by sharks for a couple of hours. Visbility was excellent so we could see them v clearly, howver Phil almost wet himself when one came towards his end of the cage bearing its teeth!
What rocked: seeing the Whale tail raise and disappear into the sea, seeing the sharks and experiencing that whole is-he-under-the-boat-Jaws moment for real. Also the drive to Swellendam where we are today - endless fields against a huge mountain backdrop.
What sucked: Being rubbish at holding my breath under the sea and having to get out leaving Phil to the sharks (or was that intentional..), having resorted to dorms already in a bid to reserve our fast depleting savings!
Itinery from here:
Saturday: Knysna
Sunday: Storms River
Then hopefully making way round to Durban to check out Kate T's neighbourhood.
For the parents - we are absolutely fine, happy and eating :)
For our friends who want to laugh at us in wetsuits - photos to follow as soon as we find a decent computer etc to upload them.
Love Liz and Phil
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