Philippa's Travels
Hey everyone,
here I am in sunny sunny malaga. However I have to report I have been feeling a little homesick, which is not pleasant at all. The school is to be blunt like something from the dark ages, its horredous. For you in the education profession out there you will understand my horror at
1. No big books
2. No schemes of work at all, you write your own
3. No roleplay stuff AT ALL
4. No assessment
5. No literacy or numeracy hours and those at gibside will remember how obsessed I was at getting that in every day
Those in non- teaching professions be safe in the knowledge this is bad. Anyway I gave myself a little pep talk and remembered I am to learn spanish and that everything takes time especially a new job. So I have pulled myself together and started sorting everything out. I am loving being in spain though permanently. I have some rather lengthy conversations with espanol personnes en la servicios (toilets) of at least 5 mintues and thoroughly enjoying the experience: and as I always say things can only get better and I am remaining very positive.
update soon......
miss everyone loads and loads and am beginning to think i am fool for leaving!!!!!
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