Morning Families, well afternoon here 5pm in fact!
Sean and Thomas left us this morning so we are now flying solo, we were picked up by Greg our driver/ tour guide this morning in the monstrous truck you can see in the above pic.
We got across to Fraser on a barge and the tour began, we started on the beach but quickly had to head in land due to high tide, after a very bumpy start we got back onto the beach and had morning tea. Back onto the truck and we were taken down towards the rainforest it was beautiful, like nothing you could imagine.
We ended up at lake Mckenzie which is only 1 of 42 lakes on the island, it was a fresh water lake so really refreshing to swim in, spent about an hour there then headed up for our lunch, steak and salad which went down a treat... Well that is until we got back on the truck and as we travelled further into the forest we were chucked about going down windy sandy roads with sheer drops either side!!
After more tea we were taken on a rainforest walk which was amazing, our tour guide pointed out all the horrible creepy crawlies once we were about 15mins into the walk, we then had to walk back past all the funnel web spiders holes with our tour guide pointing them all out, telling us how dangerous and poisonous they are, to say "cacking myself" would be an understatement haha.
Lots of very interesting pics to show you all, one more night at Inskip next stop 1770 and the Great Barrier Reef at Lady Musgrove Island.
Having a really amazing time, hope you are all well
Lots of Love
- comments
Mum J Back in SM now,5 p.m. Sunday, you should be sleeping. Trip sounds amazing. Don't worry about us...working away....Enjoy week 2!! LOL xxx
Mum J Hope you are enjoying 1770 - look forward to hearing about it. Busy busy here as usual, nothing exciting to report, we're getting some sunshine but still pretty make the most of it while you can!! Nearly half way through holiday already! Love from all MDM x x x x
MAN OF THE HOUSE GOULD OMG guy's I'm officially taller than dad!!!!!!!!! Has nothing to do with your holiday but I just thought that it was big new and everyone should know!!! OFFICIAL KYLE IS NOW MAN OF THE HOUSE!!!!! WOP WOP :D hope the holidays good too! Love!