And we came home.
The flight from Dublin to Toronto was smoothe and without incident. As we flew over Greenland the pilot called our attention to the fact that the glacier was visible. It was stunning.
Once in Toronto we had to rush from our arrival gate to the other end of the airport to catch our departing connector. It's a big airport, and the two gates were as far apart as Air Canada could make them. On top of that, we had to go through US customs and security. But first, we had to wait for them to unload the baggage from our recent flight so we could reclaim our luggage. Since our final destination was the USA, we had to re-check our suitcase ourselves. The delay while waiting at the carousel, then at check-in, then at security, meant that the 45 minutes we had before our connector took off was speeding by.
Jon and I sped through the airport as quickly as we could without actually running. Thank goodness the last several days had trained us for extended moving. We made it to Gate F89/90 with 10 minutes to spare.
The small prop plane that took us to Columbus International Airport looked the same plane we flew in on the first leg of our trip 10 days earlier. Jon was in front of me going up the steps. He turned and smiled, and said, "It's her."
Our friendly flight attendant was at the top greeting passengers with her professional smile. When we got to her there were screams of delight and hugs all around.
We collected our car from the extended parking lot and drove home. We listened to a radio station out of Dublin on the way so we could keep up on the news and ease the transition back into Ohio life. When we pulled up the driveway my Boi was standing on the porch waiting for me. Mom had a pot roast dinner ready, and it was good to be home.
- comments
michelle Glad you had a great time. Even gladder you are home! Love to all.