Hi everyone
On oiur third day now in Sydney.
We packed a lot of action in Hong kong by using an Octopus and travelling on the Peak tram, the Metro, the Star ferry and a boat ride to Lammas Island as well as chasing an oldfashioned tram (just like Nottingham !!)to get a ride. This does not include escalators galore both half way up the harbour and through endless shopping malls and high level walkways.Much of this is like the science fiction city all stream lined corridors with flashing lights and scurrying people.
Then the next minute back in the old Chinese streets round the markets selling everything from small shops and stalls.The trip to Lammas island was a highlight with a ride right across the harbour at night with the high rise lights and the enormous freighters all lit up. The island itself specialises in fish restaurants and is well patronised by local people all having a ball. The fish and lobsters are kept alive in tanks and cooked to ro order.I really preferred the sweet and sour pork but Dad enjoyed a very large fish!!
Saturday after a wander round the local streets we flew to Sydney. Not a good flight noisy ,poor food and cramped not a patch on NZAir. Arrived early morning and managed to find our way to the train and Wynyard Station and thence to the Hotel.We could not have our room until 2p.m. so set off to explore Darling Harbour in the rain and the cold only 13 degrees! Found the wildlife exhibition and the Aquarium and saw all the Australian wild life.Fascintaing including Koalas,cuddley but asleep,kangaroos trying to get out of the rain and lots of birds.butterflies and insects. We saw some great spiders for Sophia but thought they looked a bit dangerous to bring back as souvenirs.
We then found lunch and retuned to the hotel for a sleep. Later we went up to the Rocks still rather wet and cold so bit disappointing.
Yesterday however the sun shone a perfect Sydney day i We went to the Opera for a fascinating tour in the morning and went to a play the Pig Iron people in the evening. Very funny Aussie humour about agroup of neighbours not sure we got all the jokes the lingo being abit slang in places but we had a good laugh anyway. Am thinking or writing a play about our neighbours!!
We visited the harbour by ferry and Dad likes Australia so perhaps we will return? Off today to see some more sights including the monorail and off to the Hunter valley tomorrow.
BYe Rosemary
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