After Greyhound messed up our journey to Vegas, leaving us stuck in San Bernadino for 2.5hrs, we arrived 10.5hrs later!!
The weather in Vegas made a welcome change for us as we finally got the chance to walk around in T-shirts even tho the week before we arrived the whole of Nevada had been hit by snow storms and high winds.
Unfortunately neither of us were born lucky so our efforts in the casinos didnt exactly leave us with bulging pockets but we still enjoyed having a flutter, without losing all our savings!
We decided not to bother with any of the tours as they all seemed over priced for our budget, not really the best way to see Vegas, however the hotels offered some great free/cheap entertainment.
Were now entering our last two weeks in America and quite looking forward to moving on and spending some time on a beach!
NEXT STOP: San Diego
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