James, It is POMES as in Prisoners Of Mother England. But you are right, we will drink him under the table and he knows this, that is why he is writing these messages, he's worried. Aussies don't like losing to to the English and he knows we will wipe the floor with him! DOG you are in trouble, we might lose the ashes but we wont lose the drinking war!!! You're going down boy!!!! No pun intended.
Bruv James
Wild Dog- If you remember (sure you dont) you did give me a run for my money and I beat you twice!
You will have me, Pete and my good cousin Steve to contend with and will wipe the floor with you.
Be warned, the poms are coming!
Mad Wild dog - I shall call you Sir if you call me Yas (only 1 s!) should you be extending your waistline with much drinking...pete tells me its your wedding he's coming to in Oz! You need to keep your strength up for the wedding night mate...(think of your poor fiance, beer burps / farts aren't attractive - my boyfriend tries to convince me frequently!) also broaden Petes horizons to include Aussie as well as American chicks - variety is the spice of life pedro your only young once! ;-p take care mail me soon mon amie x x x
Hi Pedro!!!
Glad your having a wicked time although i do not envy night buses with big fat snoring germans!!!
Its bloody hot here too, only have a pathetic desk fan to keep me cool i am not impressed and am moaning a lot.
Going to get mashed at Global Gathering on Saturday and dance around like a fool then going to Kos with the girls in a couple of weeks.
Take care
ps who is this Dog man?!
Wild Dog
Hello Little Chapper.
The Dog can drink. Watch out.
Dog will give you a run for your Money.
Mate have been in training for dec and the gut is showing.
Getting BIG now.
Have fun Little chap
Wild DOG
Bruv James
Good to see you are in training for when we meet up in Oz. Hope you showed those bloody Aussies how to drink properly like we will to Wild Dog.He doesnt know how to drink (got wasted on ale)
Dad said he did not tell you about those places and it must have been someone else.
Bloody hot here now so we know how you feel. Everything else here is dandy and nothing to report.
Look forward to hearing you next report
Wild Dog (Aust)
Hay Pete
Well thanks for line
Mate I would like good goss soon as you get to Wild DOG country.
And to YASS I am a Member of the Perdro blood line.
You can call me SIR wild DOG. NOT THAT DOG PERSON as you said.
I am one MAD Cowboy from the real country DOWN UNDER.
Pete Hope your well and keep the goss coming.
Wild DOG
Wild Dog,
Everything you need to know is in my journal entries. I'll tell you more when I get to OZ if you're a good boy! I should have a few stories by then. Don't worry about the drinking, i'll be on top form come December.
I'm planning on updating the pictures when I find somewhere with a decent computer. Computers in Eastern Europe and the Baltics are a bit slow!
Take care
Hi Pete!! Hows things babe sorry if I just posted a blank msg pushed the button by mistake oops!! Who the hell is that dog person who keeps leaving you wierd msgs bit peculiar...nice pics and reg email updates from you tho glad your having fun what are polish buildings tho you only put dates not explanation of photo so not sure what I'm looking at! Nothing new here missing you take care and be safe x x x :-)
Wild Dog
Hay Pete
I am waiting for reply
So Whats the bloody go mate
or have you found a chick in the red dust or what
Mate waiting for a report back to aussie land
Mate hope you drinking heaps ready for the trip under down.
Write somthing soon
Wild Dog (Aust)
Hay Pete,
Mate I was reading your mail and this chick you have been spending time with over dinner ( EATING HER!!!!) and spending time with YES THE ONE FROM SPACE
Mate if you goto a country shin dig here and you play around you Bloody got to GET SEX.
Peter! Mate,
The pictures are awsome, looks like a lovely place and from reading your journal it sounds like you are having a pretty fab time.