Hi Pete sorry bit late been fighting little bro for computer last few days! just wanted to wish you merry xmas and happy sunny new yr! take care be good love yas x x x
Hey matey. hope your cool and enjoying the fine women in their bikinis and the smooth waves. Arsenal had a great game against Spurs Sat. we won 3.0. aint Arsenal the best mate. :-)
Soooooooooooo, is there any dirt you would like to tell on anything that might of happened with you and any ladies or even men during your travelling? there must have been something discriminating or even pornagraphic that you have experimented. I know i would have.
Well, i better leave ya 4 now so that you can get back with any she-men you have encounted with. :-) hehe.
Take it easy mate and we'll speak soon.
Little Bro
I think Mad/Wild/Rabid Dog is worried about what we are going to do to him, I have packed the special 'welcome to the family' item and I am sure he will enjoy it!
Doh! just seen your actually in phi phi not in oz sorry mate I'm not slow like you all think it was my computer that was slow in uploading your weblink - honest!! ;-p x x x
Yo Pedro! Where have you been all my life?! Well last month or so anyway! Are you in Oz yet and did you get my email with pics of your leaving do in London?! Hope your looking after yourself now your all alone with no christopher to cuddle goodnight! ;-p no big news here, me and owen went to alton towers last week AWESOME bef school hols so no queues went on oblivion 4 times!! Missing you be good x x x p.s. owen just got a promotion bring it on! :-)
Billy Babes
Hey buddy hope your enjoying the life of independence and thriving on every chance you have with the sexiest, most ostentatious and voluptuous women that we cannot, except me, find back in southend. :-)
On the 25th of August 2007 Clare and I are getting married if everything plans out right for use on the sense of getting the money together for the wedding of course alongside a place to live, a car and importantlyour honeymoon. In which, we both know this will be a BIG challenge but Im used to a challenge as you have always kept me on the edge of our relationship as you would not take the lock of your c*** unless you were sober :-)
We both would like you to be there on our big day, especially ME. If we were unable to conduct our wedding next year then it will defiantly be in August 2008 sometime. Date to be considered. But I will let you know once I know and that should be around April/May time.
Take care dude and keep dreaming of me :-) and well speak soon
P.S. If you havent heard...Spurs won Sunday 1.0 against West Ham and Defoe and a bite on Mascherano's arm...wot an animal. he's lucky he's English hehe.
Pedro where the bloody hell are you?! Haven't heard from you for 2 weeks hope ur ok my friend and haven't eloped with a lady boy of some sort!
We're hopefully going back to the Bourne for Anne-Marie's birthday in Nov which should be a laugh.
Got a second interview for the job i went for this Monday but it's for 4 hrs!!!! Don't quite know what they're gonna do with me for that long but we'll see....
take care buddy xxxxxxxxxxx
Annie And Ash
Hi Pete,
Thanks a mill for the photos. You are a star! Having a ball in Hong Kong. Spent all day in Disney land-I was just on cloud nine. May just stay here and get a job there!
Just wondering where you stayed in Yangshou and if it was any good. Heading there thursday and looking at accomodation at the mo.
Billy Babes
Hi dude.
Glad you are enjoying your travelling. Clare & I had our gradution wednesday night at the cliffs pavillion. It was a good evening but dragged a little!!! We looked very silly in our hats. Ill show you the pics another time.
If you go on to Harry's website (www.angelfire.com/theforce/harrymonty), you will see our engaement party pictures & other stuff for you to remember me by! :-) We will try to send you some graduation ones as soon as we get them.
O'Yeah, aint spurs having a good season, hehe. I guess they are still gonna try to challenge ARSENAL as usual, but have no success (as always), i.e. you finishing 5th. :-) R they aiming for 6th this year, coz i cant see them getting any further! :-) hehe.
Enjoy yourself buddy and we will speak soon.
Love ya loads
Billy. XOX
Clare says Hi.x
Little Bro
HAHA the chinese think your a freak! You probably did look like something they have never seen before. thought you were used to it by now?
Amanda, I don't know why Chris has his finger in you boyfriends mouth. At least he doesn't have his finger up his arse!!
Pedro!!! I have just had the unfortunate experience of looking at your photos from your leaving do can you please tell me why Christoff has his finger in my boyfriends mouth??!!