Jos has been traveling with us for nearly a week and we have done the following:
- stayed at a beach museum in Lima
- watched the changing of the guards outside the Presidential Palace
- flew to Arequipa and relaxed in its Plaza Mayor
- slept in cavernous rooms made of volcanic stone
- toured a citadel-style monastery
- took a 6 hour bus ride on dirty economy bus to Puno
- toured Lake Titicaca including the Uros floating islands and Taquile island
- had altitude sickness
- taken a overnight bus to Cusco
- got locked inside a bus
- Jos had 200 soles stolen (around $80)
- ate Peruvian foods like alpaca
- drank Pisco sours
- and explored three cities
If you are thinking that it sounds like a lot in a week - you're right.Our plan was to travel like madmen for the first week and spend the second week relaxing in the Sacred Valley outside Cusco.We have done so much in the last week that I couldn't possibly go into much detail but I thought that I would tell you a bit more about the best bits.
Firstly, in Lima we stayed at an amazing house on the beach owned by the famous Peruvian artist, Victor Delfin.Our rooms looked out to the sea and it was a perfect place for Jos to wind down from her flight from the UK.We have one more night there at the end of the trip to soak up a bit more of the fantastic views.
Arequipa is also a very beautiful city that sits beneath the volcano El Misti which provided volcanic rock used to build the grand buildings in the city center. The facades of these buildings glitter in the sunshine and are carved into intricate designs.In the center of the city is the Plaza Mayor which held the cathedral on one side facing out to a beautiful fountain and innumerable arches on the other three sides.
Puno was also a surprisingly authentic town, filled with Peruvian women dressed in traditional clothing carrying huge bundles wrapped in colorful blankets on their backs.The best part of Puno was its access to Lake Titicaca which did not disappoint.The dark blue water seemed to be limitless and in the far distance we could see the Bolivian shores.The lake is famous for its size and altitude (3800m above sea level) as well as the Uros floating islands that are made entirely of reeds.But it was the island of Taquile that stood out to us as it is a totally self-sufficient community that has carefully preserved its traditions.
All in all, it has been a great week.We have done so many things, been to so many places and it has been wonderful to have Jos with us.If we could give a Traveler Trouper award, it would be Jos's.She has walked around with her backpack on, gone to cities were we had no pre-arranged accommodation, rode on two 6-8 hour bus rides (one overnight where she had money stolen) and shivered under 8 blankets in our hotel in Puno.Jos will write about our second week in Cusco and the Sacred Valley and here's hoping we can find some time to relax!Also, look out for Antony's upcoming blog on the Inca Trail…
R & A & J
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