Christmas in Australia was weird and wonderful.The weather has been warm with clear skies. This coupled with the amazing sandy beaches and dark blue water seems the furthest thing from winter holidays. Whilst Singapore was decked out in extravagant Christmas decorations, Australia is more understated.To be more precise, there are almost no signs of Christmas on the street or in people's homes.Christmas seems more like a good excuse to get a couple of days off and enjoy the summer sunshine. This makes it weird, but you can imagine what makes it wonderful!
We got up Christmas morning, opened up some cards and headed to Bondi beach with Steve, Cath and Cath's brother James and his girlfriend Ros, who are also visiting over the Christmas holidays. The beach was filled with people wearing colorful bathing suits and santa hats or reindeer antlers.The Aussies complained that the weather was cold and it was a bit overcast but it seemed heavenly to Antony and I and he even went swimming with Steve.I just put my feet in and settled on the sand.Once dry we headed up to one of Steve's friend's houses for Christmas lunch and we were spoilt with homemade sausage rolls, quiche, salads, a variety of BBQ'ed meat and several delicious desserts. It was strange to have no duties or not being required to provide any food and we sat and enjoyed everything provided!The night led into more standard Christmas activities and we played PIT (this game is getting worldwide publicity) and a new name-game that was truly hilarious after several bottles of lovely Australian wine.A big part of Steve and Cath's social life is built around other ex-pats who have moved here from the British Isles and it was interesting to be with 12 other people who were also far away from home. But this made for a very hospitable and jolly day.
Boxing Day was also spent on the beach in glorious sunshine and a walk from the Eastern suburbs to the City Centre where we are staying.We have been incredibly fortunate to be staying in a vacant apartment.One of Steve and Cath's friends has gone back to the UK for Christmas and she has lent us her flat and this has been pure bliss.Antony and I can spread out, watch cable TV, eat all the cereal we want and wash clothes everyday if we desire it.If we let ourselves, we could also believe that we were living here.
In addition to Christmas activities, we have had the opportunity to do the Sydney Harbour bridge Climb which was really great fun.The whole experience takes about 3 hours and most of the time is spent at the top of the bridge overlooking the harbour, opera house, skyline, the Olympic swimming pool, and many boats/ships/yachts. My climb was paid for by the Careers Service as a leaving gift and I am really appreciative - thank you!Afterwards we walked through the botanical gardens to Harry's Café to devour some well-deserved meat pies with mash, mushy peas and gravy. Yummy!
Tune in next time for our riverboat adventure and tales from New Year Eve !
Love, Rachelle & Antony
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